A Bitter Sweet Farewell
Anyway just to clarify 'the voice' ashamar is referring to is not actually a person calling to him, it is the delusion from blood loss making him think that his true love is calling out to him in his final moments.
The New bitch
Jake slowly began to grow unconscious from blood loss, his white turns turning red as his tailhole and sides.
Lila of the Reptilydes Part 8
Zeke had passed out from blood loss by the time the guards arrived. sormay had stopped crying and was dozing, sucking on his thumb. two guards picked zeke up and headed for the castle. another approached her. "would you like to be carried too princess?"
Between Men and Beasts
I admit to being more than a little embarrassed while i was in this state, dizzy and weak as blood loss began to take effect.
A Christmas to Remember
I imagine there's a bigger time frame for blood loss than there is for air loss. heck, i can't even hold my breath for a long time. but i don't think that's how the noose works. or strangulation in general.
Cherry: Chapter 6 - Adapt to Survive
You could've died next to me due to blood loss, for fuck's sake! how're you being so calm?" "not the first time."
Flicker Away
I could patch him up... but the blood loss here is dramatic, and until matthew actually gives him more power, he'll be crippled. ... hopefully." john quickly stopped talking and paused then looked confused at jessica.
Plastination Toys
Since all blood for the organ comes form that source if i clamp off the artery before my needle there will be little to no blood loss, at all.
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 5
He was still a bit dazed by everything that was going on, and probably from the blood loss as well. "good, now just lay back and relax. this won't hurt a bit, or so they tell me." she said with a chuckle.
Perthian took her hand in his, ketos too weak from blood loss to resist him, and guided her fingers into his cloaca, guiding her to stroke his insides to coax him to give up his milt.
Ortus Obscurum - Rising Darkness
Jeremy was too much in pain, suffering from blood loss to care about what had just happened till a paw grabbed him by his intact leg, lifting the lynx to look up at a demon with a twisted smile.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 32
Maybe all the blood loss was finally catching up with him, or maybe it was just shock. either way, it felt like his own body would literally shake itself to death. "that's why you're having such a hard time breathing, i bet," wardo continued.