Plastination Toys

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If somehow you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC This story contains extreme acts that may be disturbing to some readers if you such concepts as listed in the key words disturb its best you avoid reading on.


{One more WARNING; really this story was done as a request by email. They requested a medical nullification and after tooling around with it this is what I came up with. I warn you because its presented in first person the whole story is the surgeon talking to her captive.}

Wakie, wakie my little subject. O now don't struggle I can assure you that the restraints on that gynecologist chair are more then enough to hold down a furson five or six times your size. Cheetahs are not known for brut strength after all. I'm sure your wondering wear you are, and who I am, and what's going on or, well who knows how many questions your brains frantic synaptic storm is pumping out. Just so you know you're not blind it's just a blind fold and a muzzle, don't need any screaming now.

I'm what some would call a collector and seller of toys, very special toys. I was once a surgeon you see, and at that time I was often asked to perform a very specialized method of specimen preservation called Plastination. It was dull work however it gave me loads of practice for my currant job, and I'm sorry to say that's why you are in that chair now. You see an order has come into are specialty service, for a toy from a Cheetah like yourself now we don't normally stock pile items like this do to the legal repercussions of said items. Its not going to hurt or anything in fact I've already started making the first incisions the injection points.

It was not always done like this back in the day we would have to harvest the desired specimen form a donor then pack it in ice and ship it back to a huge lab were it be dried out of all its fluids then re-hydrated within a vat of chemicals then finally injected with a wax and plastic cocktail to finalize the preservation. It would be brittle and rock like however not great for a toy you need some give and flex to it.

So when working late at the Anatomy lab I started tweaking with the formula until I discovered something new and exciting, the old plastination system was created way back in the 19 century, using modern chemix and equipment I found a new polymer mix that not only could infuse with the cells of a specimen with out the complex dehydrating process but would also maintain the specimens natural textures.

It was then that I had the epiphany you see the penis consists of three chambers, two of them are called the Corpora Cavernosa and run along the top, and the third is the Corpus Spongisum, along the underside. The Corpus Spongisum is primarily used for urinating and ejaculation. When a furson gets sexually excited the brain releases a hormone which sends blood to the penis, filling the tissue within the Corpora Cavernosa to its maximum level. Now knowing that, it is not hard to extrapolate that if we fill the chambers with a different fluid the same effect will be assured. Knowing about Plastination I wondered if it world be possible to preserve a specimen that was still alive using there own body to derive the engine of preservation.

The difficulty was in the fact that the Corpora Artery is located deep inside the Corpus Cavernosa making it imposable to flood the organ properly from the outside, luckily the very same arteries run back out and behind the scrotum so with two tiny incisions just above the Anus I can in fact insert my Plastination formula directly into the needed chambers. Since all blood for the organ comes form that source if I clamp off the artery before my needle there will be little to no blood loss, at all. Any blood still within will naturally be forced out through the Dorsal Vein by placing a small needle within that I can monitor the process prissily, and once all the blood is out my formula begins soaking into every cell permanently preserving them.

Just try and relax I know its not exactly easy to do, I am about to remove most of your sexual organs for profit, so I can understand you being a little upset with me, however I will stress that in such a delicate operation if you move around to much you could easily bleed out so best to just stay calm. I can absolute promise you that you will not have any pain beyond the sensation of a few tugs and numbness. Once I'm done with preserving your penis ill start the nullification process since the organ itself will no longer have blood supply its far easier then normal. At the same time ill remove the outer skin, including your sheath and scrotum as one peace your testes will then be preserved in the same way as your penis.

Ill inject them with the plastination formula in the connecting tube called the Vas Deferens once that's done and their completely dead to you ill remove them as well you will only feel a light numbness then nothing at all. Once that's finished ill relocate your urethra about were your scrotum is now so it will be easier for you to use restrooms with out getting all wet and such. The scar will be hardly noticeable unless you were to shave all your fur off and what reason would you have to do that? You will be smoother then a new born girl a perfect nullo.

I just want you to know I do apologies for this, its not that I have anything agents males. It's strictly business.