Short night
The club across the street was having a "gay men only" night, and he wasn't a club kinda guy. so here he sat, drinking a few beers while hoping to find someone to get a nice night with.
Apartment. 615 b: Chapter 1
It's always nice to have another gay guy in the building." "wow, am i... that obvious?" "look, honey, i know someone's gay when they still smell like mansex.
Stupid Cupid- Job description
"more like, we help homosexual male love along. my brother, cupid, does heterosexual love." "i thought you were cupid?" jerry inquired, confused. "being cupid is just a job, like being a doctor, or a teacher.
A Black Day
Not every gay guy liked the same things or liked the same kind of foods or were generally compatible.
Heavy Duty Muffin
He was a straight college guy, i was the gay...guy. it's not like being a clerk was my biggest career ideal when i was studying.
You're a man ready to be turned into a gay boy. over and over again. you need me to do that for you. day come into my lab and let donnie-boy teach you things. teach you the pleasures of gay sex. turn you into a gay boy.
The New Grind - Part One
And even in the worse drag i can fathom for myself in my mind probably wouldn't pass me off as a "pixie", even with someone who knows zilch about gay males.
Winter Class Ch. 1
I know you - your that gay guy right? the one pretty much half of the seniors talk about all of the time?" _looks like i'm popular for being gay. whoop-dee-doo. i don't even remember how people learned i was gay._ "y-yeah. that's right.
Charlie barkins gay encounter part 13
Nick:yeah babe. i mean just because your gay now doesn't mean that your soft or your going to act like a real gay guy like me.
Charlie barkins gay encounter part 13
Nick:yeah babe. i mean just because your gay now doesn't mean that your soft or your going to act like a real gay guy like me.
Adventure 1.0
"there's just over a hand full of gay men and just over a hand full of lesbians and bisexual people too and here we all look out for each other and normally people here have no problem. but there are the odd couple of people that don't like us."
Teaser: Sorry I Fucked Your Girlfriend
I realized i'd just done the equivalent of asking a gay guy who'd just come out what kinds of kinky sex he'd had. that wasn't the point. still, i said, "i'm...just curious, is all." sam blushed. "um..." "it's okay."