Angela in scales(not the piano kind)

One day in the garage Ben was working on a project when the news came on. The anchor told of an escaped boa constrictor and it was vicious. Ginger was worried and imagined something terrible happening. Hank saw it on an episode of his favorite show...

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Chapter Nine (Angie)

Two Years Ago... Just graduated my high school a couple weeks ago. Me and Janelle both. I open the door to our apartment. We've had the place for about a month. I make her pay half the rent. Jani plops herself on the couch, exhausted. "Well," she...

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Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 19(Final)

Kay wakes up on a bench inside of Kyle's transport.He gets up slowly and rubs his head.He looks over and sees Kyle and Buch standing over him,smiling. "Welcome back." Kyle says.Kay looks at him,and grins slightly. "You were out cold for a...

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A fight will come

A fight will come. It was later at night. Shadey walked SilverFang to her den. As Shadey walked back his brother came over to him. "I thought you were sleeping Liki. I know after doing what you done you at least be sleeping." Liki stared him and...

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Precursors: Decisions

It was a small sitting room, but able to comfortably seat the four present at the time. It was designed that way. A secret little alcove that had held many a meeting of Community leadership over the years, as it did tonight. Janie sat, hir head...

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Choice(Balance)-Arc 2"Trust" Part 8

Later that night,Kay and Alan headed to Class' estate up the northside of town.They approached the huge mansion,and stared in awe. "Wow.So this is where she lives huh?" Kay says. "You think Kyle made it here?" Alan asks.Kay nodds. "Yeah.But I'm...

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Ch5 Shift

"I... Wow.. That's terrible." was all Koyu could say in response. No other words seemed to describe the trauma this guy had gone through. Koyu didn't know what else to say, but it didn't matter, as the wolf spoke once more."It... Whatever it is... It...

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Chapter 8 (Todd)

I fell asleep after Wendell finished the first chapter. When I wake up, I'm still cuddling on Wendell's lap and he's still fast asleep. When I hug him tighter, I think he's awake because he's rubbing the top of my head. "Morning sleepyhead," he...

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A Forlorn Love Part 7

**Chapter 7: Consulting a Friend** That morning we left early so we could go see the Dean and explain that I still needed help with getting around to my classes as well as with some other things that he didn't need to know about. The Dean said that...

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Kinktober Day Twenty: Dirty Talk

The cafe was full of the low hum of conversation and the smell of coffee and baking bread. As long as you weren't trying to pick out any one conversation, it was fairly easy to ignore everything that was going on around you -- it was that kind of...

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Rose- Interview Part 2

"If I might ask, what was the third spell?" the host asks. "Huh?" I ask in return, confused. I don't remember putting any additional spells into it than those two. "Well, you used three. Here," the host motions at a monitor behind us that...

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