Lonely Oak Chapter 62
There, amidst russel's arrows, was an odd fifth. beside it, russel's last arrow was crooked and pushed downward from the force of impact.
Academy Days Part 3
arrow is taken through a runout, something that he was really not looking forward to, but seems to be an inescapable part of agate.
Song of the Huntress - Part 3
This next group, i want twenty arrows in two minutes. now, you have...thirty arrows in your quiver. when i say go, you reach back, grab the arrow by the fletching with your two string fingers, and as you nock the arrow, you are pulling back.
Icebound - Chapter 2
By the fourth arrow, aiden realized that the arrows were doing nothing; they had all shattered against an invisible sphere of force that surrounded the wizard. at the clatter of the arrows breaking, the mage noticed aiden again.
A Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Story
Cupid responded, "you have to accept your punishment, arrow." arrow was then herded in the room with the others.
Rescue Mission
I step into the room shooting my arrow at the leopard first then at the lizard. the leopard fell but the lizard the arrow bounced off of him and hit the floor.
A Dream of Dolphins: Fallen From Grace
arrow placed his head down, remaining as silent as a sleeping puppy. greg formed the number while he stroked the dog's head. he was happy to have arrow here. made him feel less lonely. more empowered for the call he was about to make.
Icebound - Chapter 11
He reached down to his quiver and tugged four arrows up so the fletching wouldn't catch when he pulled them out. he put his fingers around one of the arrows and steeled himself.
"The Thin Line," Part V
Now, the arrow had more or less ripped through the fleshy part of his arm, and the arrow-head stuck out of the other side.
It noticed arrows soaking in some black goo, in a bowl, near the small wolf's feet, with a cat feeding more arrows every second. - xavyr fired another arrow, stooping down to grab two more from the bowl.
Chapter 9: Hunters in the Night
Tian'shal drew back the arrow and sprang up and over the crest of the hill. she took her aim and released the arrow. it whizzed by and stuck in the ground amongst the bandits.
Bouncing Off The Target
Picking up the arrows that bounce so you can make them fly all over again then finally thunk!