Got Moshpits?

Sirius couldn't believe his luck. Out of all the furs who had tried, and there had to be hundreds according just to what he alone had heard, he had been chosen. He was getting unparalleled access to his all-time favorite band, including being in the...

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Beer Me

"Barkeep, beer me!" A blue-and-pink skunk yelled across the crowded bar. Sol, the skunk, knew that it was too early to drink more than one or two at the most, but he had been invited to the brewery for an early brunch with friends, and that did mean he...

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Sari was fat. She was a titanically, gargantually, impressively, and stupendously obese dragoness. Her stomach sagged just a few inches off the ground, her feet had rolls, her hips looked to be more like balloons than bodyparts, and her breasts could...

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The first thing that Kris noticed was the cold. It bit right through the suit, even though it was a thick shell designed to have no such thing happen. It seeped into his bones, straight past the toned muscles which he was using to struggle through the...

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The sitting drake sighed softly as he looked out over the small sea of furs in the park around him. His red scales glistened in the sunlight of the morning, the yellow ones on his stomach acting like a golden mirror on his torso. Clad in nothing but...

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Industrial Accident

Juno groaned aloud as he sat down on the bench in the locker room at his job after he finished changing. It had been yet another rough day at the plant, and he was just exhausted. The drabull was woefully out of shape as it was, and when that was...

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Thick and Thick Intro

A sole, ominous figure stood at the entrance to the room. He didn't move, he didn't look up from the floor, he simply stood stock still in the entryway. There was no breathing motion from him, and his eyes were obscured by a hood which rested on his...

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Flight was the first thing to go. It had vanished as fast as his feet from his vision as the pounds had begun to add up. The large, paunchy avian had still been able to waddle around slowly on legs which he hardly used, but it was only a matter of time...

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"You mean to tell me that you have never been to the back area here?" A fox asked incredulously, looking over at the husky beside him with a slight smirk. The blue-and-white canine just shook his head sheepishly and sunk a little more down into the...

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It had been a very long time since Sven had seen the outside through more than a window. Longer than he could remember in fact, and this was in part thanks to the fact that he could not move. Well, he could if he really put some effort into it and had...

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It had started out slow. A few pounds here, some extra helpings there. Nothing about the steady march of weight gain had been obvious, aside from the occasional hint that clothing had gotten too tight or that a belt needed to be let out an extra notch....

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Trinity was stuffed. It wasn't uncommon for the gluttonous wolf to feel this way, in fact it was becoming more of a norm for him than even being awake. He was nearly constantly stuffed to the point that his stomach had more of a firmness to it than...

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