gregs epic life

Zach's shot hits one in the head and lisa's shot hits the other one in the leg.i run over to our fallen enemies to see one is still alive and wounded.i say "who runs downfall".he says "i rather die" and grinds his back teeth together and bites down on his

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The Calm Before the Storm Chapter 4 Scrapped version

Knowing his cousin would like a translation, ethan had explained "she's saying that the rain is appearing to let her see us again, but the constant downfall messes up her sight....and she's freezing."

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Cascoon... I dunno it has no real title

I have no idea if he (or so the pokedex tells me) sees my touch as an attack, already plotting my eventual downfall, or as unexpected but enjoyable attention, that may even deserve to be rewarded one day. so far, so good. nothing.

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[Pending Title] Part 1 of ?

The terrans, seemingly overnight, matched the beast-kind in our elemental harnessing abilities and turned it into our downfall.

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The Dark Era, Prologue

* * * digi-defenders' base, minutes before their downfall. 'they're about to break in! gato, how's the evac?' leomon shouted.


Wolf Of the Bloated Stars

That proved to his downfall, for nobody knew him or simply didn't care enough to look for him. however, he still cared and knew that it wasn't their fault... or so he wished to believe.

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Wolf Of the Bloated Stars

That proved to his downfall, for nobody knew him or simply didn't care enough to look for him. however, he still cared and knew that it wasn't their fault... or so he wished to believe.

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Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

But then the humans had let that knowledge expand, which then led to their downfall.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 01

Betrayer's downfall became a crater. they confronted the betrayer at his lair where he had convened his war council. many dragons fought in the battle and i can only imagine such a sight of awesome destruction.

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The unsung hero pt. 1

The machine taught me about division, measuring distance exactly with the eye, the downfall of the u.n., the uprising of the forgotten clan and the rest of the government fleeing from earth.

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Roger Rabbits round experience

But that`s no world downfall! she handed him a tissue and roger snobbed into it largely thankf! and took another gulp from the hose they continued talking about how he almost lost his jessica once and the girl was pep-talking to him.

Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)

He wasn't going to survive, to get revenge, to save his sister, to even see the downfall of red water. then there was only death in his mind as he let darkness take him.