Chapter 5: Old Friends and Sins
holis was a bit confused, "what do you mean?"
I'll be there.", holis said and got back up.
Chapter 10: A Training Day 2
"holis," alesta spoke softly as he started to walk to the door. holis turned and walked back to the bed, "yes alesta, can i do something for you?"
Chapter 14: A Recording to Remember
holis asked.
Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 4
holi's expression changed from interest to horror as she watched this transformation. "what?" holi's voice asked. only it wasn't holi who spoke, it was dameon! he looked at his hand, it looked like holi's!
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 5: Loved Ones... (part 2)
Life** **end of the holy man (ah-ah-ah)** **death of the holy life** **death of the holy man (ah)** **end of the holy life** **end of the holy man** **death of the holy life** **death of the holy man** **death of me** **is the death of you
Chapter 3: Enlightening Experiences
holis asked.
Chapter 12: Repaid Kindness
I...i think i love you holis and i want you to share my bed with me."
Chapter 4: A very good morning
holis wasn't sure what to do, was this normal or was she in trouble?
Chapter 13: A Nice Shower
Alesta giggled snuggling into his soft chest fur, "holis what are you up too?" holis snorted, "why my job of course, you have a full schedule today little lady. you need to be washed.
Chapter 2: Settling In
holis turned surprised, "um yes its very nice to meet you," holis replied a bit confused, "but um how did you know my name?"
U.C.O.D: Scorn of the Lost, Chapter 5
"holi?" "the kids...dameon, the kids..." she whispered. dameon's pupils widened. holi started crying again. "holi...what happened to the kids?" dameon asked quietly. holi continued crying, seeming not to even notice him..."holi!"