merry xmas Alexus and Slash

Matched the gentle timbre of the robin, his seductive stare, his gentle touch, his unmatched body, all of this sent her crazy with desire "good mourning, way too early but still good mourning" she snuggled into his waiting arms, her delicate frame fitting

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Companions Chapter 19: Honeymoon

mourne's orders." "mourne's orders!? mourne orders you around?" "he owns the casino. didn't you know?" "that explains why we are not snorkeling in hawaii," said rovaun.

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The Flag Of Red White And Blue

The inhabitants, were mourning about the loss of one of the royals family member. did i cried? no. did i mourned? yes. another day, another tear. the country crying, the country smiling. to who? to the person above. we don't stop, we don't move.


Per Patientia Ch. 2

"mourn? i always mourn. mournful for family, friends, even you, for your lack of knowledge and excess arrogance." tahlis' anger flared briefly; what did this woman know of her power? nothing!

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 10

Tonight, we mourn the loss of all of our fellow pack members. some, had gone astray, while others we treasured in our hearts. marodan, our former alpha. once a strong and proud example of his father.

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Into the Mountains 07

I wouldn't be allowed to mourn her there, so it feels awkward for me to do so here. her husband has every right to mourn her." "and her friends. and you were a friend." i rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. "a very good friend.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 13

Group commander bufort, the mourning son's executive officer, stepped to the admiral's side and said quietly, "i'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but high admiral royce wishes to speak with the fox."

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The Mourning After - Chapter 13 (Shadows of the Past)

#14 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) i bet you didn't expect to see this chapter so quickly, now did you? so we pick up the action with kaldor who is running towards the gate in order to confront his fathers killer!

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The Mourning After - Chapter 25 (Final Chapter)

#27 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) well here it is, the final chapter of book 3. i'm actually impressed at myself for delivering on time.

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Week 6- Dial M For Mournful Merge

So far on Gainer's Paradise, 20 people entered the house with two intentions: to gain more weight and to win a million dollars. Alliances have been formed in the house. Couples have even started along with... something more. After five weeks, ten...

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The Mourning After - Chapter 17 (Shadows of the Past)

#18 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) we're back in with the action with aceh, who is attending the second day of the tournement to support his students barnus and karnal.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 16 (Shadows of the Past)

#17 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) a little later than planned, due to myself being on nightshift this week i was simply too tired to post it.

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