Free Exile
The knight knew this to be incredibly foolish but he judged it worthwhile, they called him treasonous he gave them chaos.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 15
"you stand accused of treason, by disobeying the orders of your chieftain and setting free a captive of your tribe. do you deny this crime?" "i do not." "you stand accused of blasphemy, by denying the cora its rightful sacrifice.
Little Red Riding Bimbo
But anyhow, my hair is all the more reason to cuddle you my dear, and if you say no, i'll treat that as treason." she said, showing her fangs, making little red riding think the word 'dang'. "my, what big teeth you have grandmother."
Runaway: A Divergent Parody
We, as a united city will not stand for this act of treason. and we will band together to take these furs down. peace will be once again restored." robby stands up with me and he holds my paw. "what now?"
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 2
Missing private, charged with treason. a good friend of mine let me escape the night before i was to be executed. i have a feeling i was deliberately framed though. someone really doesn't like me." again there was a long silence.
My War Chapter 1
His grandparents had been accused and convicted on several counts of treason. they were convicted,and found guilty. nearly everyone around them has always judged them due to their actions,which is unfair.
Truth and Confrontation. (XIV)
Now by my rights and authority by noble birth, and for the crimes and treason you have caused, you are to come and be held in capture, and punishment will be public execution next dawn."
The Glory of an Empire, Chapter 3
All rebels are treasonous traitors, and all are to be executed on sight, no trial will be necessary! long live the fatherland!"
The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 2
It ended with the accusations of treason anyway. he didn't have much more time for thinking though, as the snap of deactivating force field brought him out of his thoughts. _showtime.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-002]
Nothing, except treason and a bullet in the hip. i'm hungry, so i'll take just what i deserve. so where do i find something to eat?" "10 blocks away is a kind of market, you will smell it when you're around."
[Snippet] The Twilight Forest
Besides, it's not treason if you're talking about a usurper, now is it?" marco sighed, not really wanting to argue... instead, he continued to follow the pair as they started walking through the forest again.
Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... AWESOME !
(look away) general shang : i cant believe you lied to me . the punishment for high treason and dishonoring the death jake: (growls) wanna bet on that prince boy !