Trapped and Trained: Chapter 5: Blowjobs and brothers.
venom smiled at his lover and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before handing over to aquas and atlantic. venom then turned to dan and alfred. "where can they put him while he sleeps?" "third door down.
TLOS; Darkness Rises: Chapter 3
Luxray looked into venom's neon green eyes and looked at her neon green underbelly. -venom i must say you look beautiful but yet what else can i say. venom looked at luxray and blushed a bit and looked away. -damn it did i say that out loud?
Regret Chapter 16
Even after his death, he continues to make venom a better place. i know many hated him because venom became quite polluted in a very short time but... you can see how he managed to repair it. beautiful - this planet is amazing, now.
HiveWing Copulation - NSFW
A simple order to start off, testing if her venom worked on different species. expecting the worst, the hivewing queen made a mental note to increase the dosage of her venom further if the current one wasn't enough. "...turtle..."
A Snake And a Dragon
He asked "you'll grow longer fangs, and possibly the large amount of venom will accumulate and form a gland that will in turn produce venom of your own." she snickered a bit at the look of his face. "so i'll be a venomous dragon."
Scorpion Demon Meeting
Is this the venom?!) "then cum!"
Birth of The Goblin
But since you used the venom. it is quickened. i still thank you though. it would've taken me probably a month if you couldn't find a venom. you'd have heard me.. calling out your name.. dear sweet, delicious harry.
SF:TDF Prologue
The citizens of corneria and the lylat will bow down to the will of venom!"
Race to live prt.4
It was venom's voice, but i didn't see her.
The King's Fever
The fever, the burning venom inside him kept it alive. stopped it from shutting off. he screamed louder. louder.
Chapter 12: Fighting Instincts
Anyway, venom's government is kind of a mess, right now.
Feeder Mice
His skin was thick enough to last a while without damage, and her venom had numbed him enough that the stinging fluid wouldn't bother him for a while yet.