Visiting the Volskayas
Where we last dropped off me and Esther were on our way to her place in her electric golf. Her parents' house isn't far from church, so we were arriving soon. We would just take a road that would eventually lead a bit into the woods. As we approached...
Yasha's Visit
I told Dad he didn't have to come pick me up at the airport--I'm a big boy now and I've been doing more than well enough to afford a cab to his place--but he was excited enough for my arrival that he came anyway, the older tiger greeting me at the...
Royal Visit
There's a spa nearby that i visit every time i come here, i'm sure you'll love it." "a spa?"
Home Visit
The doorbell woke Tabitha from her bed. Groggy, the wolverine checked her clock on the nightstand, flashing 9:23 AM in red. Over half an hour until she planned to wake up this Saturday. It rang again. Groaning, the wolverine pushed herself out of bed,...
A Dark Visitation
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Clara slowly tried to stand up as her head spun, her vision...
Overnight visit
#3 of glory hole daddy darrow visits his dad overnight visit yielding to the constant pressure from big paws on the back of his head, darrow the soft throbbing tip laid on his lips glossing them with the already present drops of pre-cum
Doctor's Visit
How many had doctor stone visited? how many had fucked their last load into that ram's hole?
A Visit to Bunnyburrow
Gideon Grey was such a nervous wreck he didn't even feel like singing along to the Tim McClaw song --one of his favorites, in fact-- playing on the radio in his delivery van as he drove to the train station to pick up Allen. Normally he would be...
A visit to The Headmistress
There was a soft knocking on the door, causing Sister Chastity to look up, anticipation and excitement schooled behind the nun's calm smile. "Please, come in" The door opened, revealing a cute little thing: a petite golden retriever in a white...
Unexpected Visit
The day trudged on, the sky was gloomy and to add onto that the terrain was more of a rocky area and hardly any grass. I suppose that's what you get when climbing a mountain. It seemed as though it was about to rain, yet the clouds remained and simply...
A Tale of Two Tails
Fa: lonelycaon came to visit me here in the us, so, at the end of his visit, he asked me to write a short snippet in his art book. how could i refuse such a request?
An Evertech Tale Chapter 29
"would you like to visit them?"