The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 4
**Chapter IV - Prince Blueblood's Arrival** Two weeks later, the harvest season ended. The weather started going from unbearable to where Braeburn was actually able to keep a steady temperature in the house during the day. The nights became cooler,...
[MLP:FiM] C & C chapter 13: Help when it's needed
That had to be twilight sparkle, with pinkie pie and perhaps rainbow dash.
Following her heart
. // * * * // // following her heart// by everfreesparkle// * * * // // * * * // // the admission // * * * // the bell jingles as twilight sparkle enters carousel boutique, the door shutting behind her with a soft click.
Personal Growth
Being the daughter of lord tirek and twilight sparkle, both heavy users and wielders of magic, had its perks after all.
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 5
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 5 Choices Everyone gathered back up at the friendship castle and scowered the place looking for Alex. "He aint anywhere in the castle." Rainbow Dash stated "But where in tarnation could he have gone?" Applejack asks...
Gilda learns some lessons
Princess twilight sparkle had her horn brightly lit, and was holding a small basket to hold a selection of drinks and snack food.
My Little Mashup 4 - Jail
As soon as i'd said it i realized the last thing i wanted to do was drag twilight sparkle away from three potential friends. if i hadn't said that, i could have made her bring at least one of them with her. twilight sparkle said, "who's with me?"
Some Assembly Required - Commission
She writhed there above twilight sparkle, letting the pleasure of it sear through her and make her shiver in delight.
[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 8: The trade
." +++++ during the late afternoon, twilight sparkle and her oldest friend stood at the train platform. "it's natural that you can't forget it, spike," twilight sparkle said, looking at her assistant with understanding eyes.
My Little Mashup 2 - Sneezes
twilight sparkle thanked her for getting on the road, and i thanked twilight sparkle for the idea of taking a walk.
[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 4: Acts during the darkness
Fluttershy's pussy was tight and twilight sparkle's penis was thick.
[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 7: Love, duty, or both?
Moaned twilight sparkle. the blankets flew off the bed. fluttershy looked up, meeting her bemused lover's eyes. "fluttershy! what are you doing?" not a question worthy of a smart unicorn like twilight sparkle!