The Phoenix Spell and the Snuff Slut Queen Part 2
"i'm all done, julian... carve me up..." she begged as she rolled her hips. robotnik removed the spit and grabbed his carving knife. "ohhh yes... aleena..."
Legend of the Stone Dragon
Underneath that fabric was a black stone body, carved with such skill that it almost seemed real.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 2.3 Bannihar
She made a point to show it to sebastian then roarg, adding as she passed elias, "it looks like i got a special carving... just for me." she flicked at his apron casually with her tail, "you don't have a carving."
Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 4
4 hezzi lay on his side, his knees drawn up to his chest, his arms folded tightly against his body, the little wooden figure of himself carved by ander so many years ago clutched tightly in his fist.
Heart Of Stone
But with a heart carved of stone infinite nothing is mine, an advantage, nothing gained.
Indiana Meiko and the Temple of Frump
The inner chamber was circular, and covering the walls were more carvings of dolphins and orcas in lust, some of them actually sticking out of the stone walls; one wall had several males standing with their exquisitely carved shafts standing from it, as though
Indiana Meiko
The inner chamber was circular, and covering the walls were more carvings of dolphins and orcas in lust, some of them actually sticking out of the stone walls; one wall had several males standing with their exquisitely carved shafts standing from it, as though
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
Asterbury swept his hands over the image, clearing away the dust and splinters from his simple carving.
Blossom in a Dark Place
That carves beauty? wooden shapes take form into elegant images words that cannot express themselves on text yet that carves into wounds reopened? shredding friendships and creating synthetic produce.
Transformation CYOA
Their carvings are indistinguishable due to the thick growth upon them, but the altar which they frame seems virtually untouched.
DemonWhiteWalls Story -not finish-
I feel my arms and i feel something, like someone carved something on my arms. i look at my arms and see that my feelings were right someone has carved something on my arms; they have carved four words on my arms. they say, "death", "pain"."
An Unexpected Love
Looking around, he spies the tree in which he once carved his name, walking towards it, he reads aloud. "tyler and emma, forever." if only, he snorts.