Valentines Day
She passed through the living room where maneki sat on the floor, eating chocolates from an identical box like the one he'd left for her. "hey lucky. master gave me this yummy box of chocolates for valentine's day.
Pandora's Box 08 - Training Begins
_Schooling is important to a slave. Well, training, at least, is important. Once we complete a training course, we have the equivalent of a vocational training degree. Not that we can transfer that into a free life, but it means we're preferred for...
"Soft Serve Swirl" - Chapter 5: Security Pup
The large chocolate colored canine wearing a rich purple leather vest, matching pair of leather briefs and biker cap. "hey khristopherson! thanks for taking care of that fight before coming.
The choclate bunny and the fox
He smelled delicious chocolate milk and found small puddles, which he could only assume were from natural functions, turned chocolate.
OT - Chocobe
Omega Tech Records Experiment: #0146: Chocobe The first team was suited up and ready to go. The four sat in the wide open room, not sure what to really expect. Aside from the large door they entered through, there was only one other entrance; a...
Ant and Four 2 - Touching Shore
"they are chocolates," four informed him. "according to my search, the word is the name of the manufacturer. chocolates are sweet treats, kind of like candy." "i like candy." ant's ears perked.
The Cotton Tail Trail
"oh thank god i didn't eat all my chocolate afterall!" she said opening the egg and devouring the sweet in the span of seconds.
It was a quiet afternoon in the forest of goo, the only sound that could be heard was the trees blowing in the wind and the birds chirping back and fourth to each other, leaves covered the ground, crunching could be heard coming from them as Kile made...
White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 6
#6 of white chocolate mocha white chocolate mocha: chapter 6 "i am so sorry for this!" i say as i wipe my face with a napkin. i feel absolutely humiliated. i feel angry, but most of all, i feel sad.
White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 5
#5 of white chocolate mocha white chocolate mocha: chapter 5 it's been a month since evan and rey. it's been a while since i've slept well. i haven't even touched myself since that night.
White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 2
#2 of white chocolate mocha i awoke the next morning to a single ray of light beaming through the centre of my curtain right at my eye.
White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 1
When i gave you your white chocolate mocha this morning, you looked down yourself. i guess you could kinda say that i was worried about you.