._ _love heals, love hurts,_ _love pains, love comforts,_ _love cries with you, love laughs with you._ _love is fundamental to existance,_ _we need it,_ _we crave it,_ _we were only created for the sake of love._ _love is the most compelling force
"i love you, arranco," she whispered into his ear. "i love you too, anorith," he whispered back. they both laid there, too tired and too spent to move. they just slept, within each others embrace. * * * o.k end of chapter 4.
To love
Their love making was nice but don knew that it could not last. don knew that he needed to get on with his life and to make something of his self.
She gave a small loving smile and ran her fingers through his silky feathers, feeling the hard muscle beneath, making him shiver slightly.
love the silence said it all that very frequency was all that it took to shatter my entire being your voice now distant in my heart and memory yet i still do my best to try and scream back for you again and again i loved you (with
I moaned out as well, loving the pain from her claws digging into me, i go faster. she gasps and moaned, " i'm..gonna cum soon..." her tail whiped back and forth.
I moaned out as well, loving the pain from her claws digging into me, i go faster. she gasps and moaned, " i'm..gonna cum soon..." her tail whiped back and forth.
I remember long ago I felt a feeling so beautiful and pure.. Then it was taken away from me and now I fear feeling it again.
His eyes are bright, brighter than the moon, i wouldn't know what to do if i lost him too soon, he is the hero i asked for just knocking at my door only to love me forever and more and i will love him to death for it will be his name
love leaves tracks...but it also leaves scars. love's touch is warm...but it burns too. love is joy...but it is also pain. love is wonderful...but it is also horrible.
For Love
Tarina's cried out as the strength of her love pushed through her telepathic restraints and began to form a telepathic wave. the last thing she ever wanted was to loss the male she loved and cared for so deeply.
Love and let love(lyrics)
love and let love love is a beautiful thing that lies in the heart of change it doesnt care who you are it doesnt care about race life is precious cause life is short live it while you can no one knows whats at the end i dont