Learning to Fly
In this one terrible moment the only other member of his race he had known was lifting up into the night sky, perhaps to leave his lying tongue behind forever.
Chapter 18: Don't Leave Me
Bright pink flowers crowded the mud-brick steps either side as kel and aliona hurried up the gravel walk leading to them.
Pay-Pal (Part 2) Prom
"i wanted to tell you that we're breaking up." he then took out eighty dollars, his heart began to break. kiador's eyes began to get wet, as sniffles began to choke him up.
Jackob's Life Chapter 4-1: First Times
Large hills began to appear on it's surface, which quickly grew up to awestrucking mountains as they hulked up to sky touching levels.
Warm Up - 17 | Gut Feeling
Another was a pair of jeans with runes that lit up wherever his fingers hovered over.
Poke-Rus 2.0
He glanced up to see a black and white ball open up, a flash of red light, and everything went black.
Champion Role Models
"he's just wrapping up some shoot with l and then we're up" "heh perfect!" vic moaned, pulling his dick free of his partner's grasp.
Getting Stuffed By Bonnie
Taking deep, heavy breaths you looked up to see the purple bunny flipping the lid up on another box of pizza. just the sight of it made you feel slightly sick but bonnie didn't seem to notice as he turned around with a wide smile in his face.
June Rejection
She stood up from the blanket and started to walk away but stopped for a quick second. "i came not to have a date." she took a quick look back at me sitting on the blanket. "b...but to break up with you. i need truth."
Coming Up Next!
He tensed up, knowing it was too late to dodge, but no pain came. instead, he heard a creak from above him. he looked up, just in time to see a large bronze _thing_ growing larger... no, falling towards him! "toke!"
Real Love on a Train
I don't know if the greeting card companies had come up with a line of cards for breaking up with someone, but debbie could probably have kept them in business. i tried to distract myself by coming up with some designs for such occasions.
Double Lion; Ep. 1, Rescue
They looked up at him, and laughed. "hey, what'cha do'n up there mr.?" a squirrel asked?