Warriors Dawning Hook
This is an "original" fanfiction based on warriors, by erin hunter. the idea of cats in clans, and starclan, were created by erin hunter.
POEM: Maro
**Maro** Von _Noiratblack_ Geschrieben im Wald, bei heftigem Wind, der an den noch grünen Blättern riss. Einsam ist der sanfte Ton, der in wildem Rauschen untergeht. Von der Natur lang gesehen, des Krieges Sohn, mit einer Flöte dort steht. ...
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 10 - Past, Present, Future
#10 of warrior cats yeah, yeah. i know..... there has never been a sex scene in the books and there will never be one i uess but come on. this is a fantasy story. have fun still.
Dragon Learning
"that initiative in battle, that's my warrior son." "that's all i've ever been to you." duo growled as the pair clasped arms again and thrust against each other with a mighty thud. "a warrior. you sent me to earth, away from my friends.
Blink of an Eye Chapter 1
The crowd erupted with great elation at the "mighty warriors" prowess. he leapt up and swiped his blade in a fluid motion towards his superior and met only air once again.
Good Company #2
Matthias found himself regularly making the trip down the cold stone halls to Flamma's chamber's in the days and months that followed their first meeting. He learned that the big bull was expected to fight in several tournaments throughout the year,...
"you contradict yourself, brave warrior. people wish to avert what they fear. there is no other reason." the cold wind blew asha's cape open. she did not speak. "it gets awfully lonely in my garden.
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 6 - A New Clan is Born
#6 of warrior cats and another episode from my warrior. this time sadness and an unawaited situattion will occour. what wlll it be ? find it out yourself by reading :-).
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 5 - Blood Moon
You already know my name or better said you know my old warrior name. " half star said back with a smile on his face. " your old warrior name? that doesn´t make any sense. a warrior hasn´t....."
A Bond of Three Warriors: Chapter 9
#12 of bond of three warriors enjoy! by the time sunrise came around the severed peak, fidel and isamu were still sleeping on the beds and trygrr was nowhere within the room.
Ep5-Warriors of Mezzanine-The Warrior's of Mezzanine
It was then decided that the warriors of mezzanine would be founded to save the world, with the proper gear, food and a ship to fly around the planet with.
A Warrior's Respite
"aghhhhh..." the warrior hissed. \* ..."programme has now been automatically terminated." the klingon warrior collapsed onto the floor and landed on his sore rump.