The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 10: April Fool's Day
Chapter 10 April Fool's Day "April Fool! April Fool!" I giggled when I saw the seven year-old raccoon boy pop around the corner, scaring either his brother or cousin into jumping like a cat. They squealed and laughed while chasing...
Hunter Thurman's (Brief) Meta Journey
After all, peter gray is an orphan wolf living on the streets of 1899 new york city, and spends his day fighting bullies, making friend and-- "stop the fucking advertising and take me back
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 20: Helping Blink
Chapter 20 Helping Blink Edward's cooking never disappointed me appetite in the past. This fox was a wizard with cooking, even by me low standards. If I ever became a rich gentlewolf with a mansion, a dozen pretty vixens by me side, and a...