Code of Dishonor: First Strike
The beast lord whispered in glee.
Code of Dishonor: New Horizons
The beast lord turned, looking at the owl he had created even in his vulnerable state. "you serve me?" the beast lord asked. the owl nodded, flapping his wings a bit. "yes my beast lord." he replied. "then...
Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation
The beast lord whispered. ragnus, now salamand, leaned down to place a kiss on the beast lord's foot before he gazed up. "it is my honor to serve." salamand whispered.
Code of Dishonor: Terror of the Skies
The beast lord knew he needed more to be reborn, a lot more... and the beast lord was happy to give that. the generals watched happily as the beast lord started to stroke himself off.
Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth
The beast lord whispered to terras. terras said nothing, but the beast lord leaned more against the bars of his prison, "then don't! don't fight them, embrace them. you are back together again, complete and whole. embrace them." the beast lord hissed.
Code of Dishonor: Shadowplay
The beast lord said. eckhart lowered down onto his spiked black knees, looking up at the beast lord.
Code of Dishonor: Seven Seas
The beast lord asked. laurence panted gently, looking up at the beast lord, drool leaking from his bottom lip before he nodded. "yes, oh yes please..."
Code of Dishonor: Twin Destinies
The beast lord said, offering his hand. iron hoof slid out of his brother slowly, taking the beast lord's hand and then his brother's.
Code of Dishonor: Front Lines
The beast lord said. a gust of wind built, hitting the king to knock him backwards. as the man fell onto his throne, the beast lord's hands moved again.
Chapter Five (Now Complete)
Neither she nor the beast lord had spoken since their altercation and the weight of it hung in the air between them. when nadirah had left to hunt, the beast lord had made a fire.
Code of Dishonor: Behind Enemy Lines
Leos hoped the beast lord would be satisfied.
Chapter Seven
If you think for one minute that i'm letting you-" nadirah turned away and began walking in the indicated direction, showing no sign of hearing the beast lord's speech.