The Final Decision! (It works!)

Attached to the name "dukie mutt" is luck, destiny, and fate, all of which, lead to your demise. you must accept my offer; you must change your name, and yourself, unless you want to be sent to an early grave.

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Winter Break: Chapter 1

My name's dukie mutt. but my friends just call me mutt." "well, it's nice to meet you mutt!" "right back at ya' ran!" they both went their separate ways again.

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Winter Break: Chapter 4

'dukie?' mutt thought as he said "goodnight" back, 'i haven't heard him call me that since we first met.' he brushed it off and laid back down. he tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. the nightmare kept playing and re-playing in his mind.

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Memories that are same as Nightmares: Part 1

First of all i want to say that all my stories are dedicated to one of my best friends charlie, to evadrin, to dukie mutt and his friend ran. why? that's because they inspired me to write by my own.

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Winter Break: Chapter 4

'dukie?' mutt thought as he said "goodnight" back, 'i haven't heard him call me that since we first met.' he brushed it off and laid back down. he tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. the nightmare kept playing and re-playing in his mind.

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Winter Break: Chapter 3

My real name's dukie mutt, but everyone just calls me mutt." "cool. hey, ran, you play drums right?" "yeah, why?" "think you could step in for me. i want to show mutt here a good time." ran winked, "sure. is that okay with you katie?"

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