Spring Break - Epilogue -

Spring Break Chapter Nine - Epilogue - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Raine and Rodger returned to University and continued their respective studies. One day, Raine come home an found a letter addressed to her had been...

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Dearest Elise

_dearest elise,_ _i fear that this is my final letter to you. i want you to know that even though i may never see you again, even if i can never speak again - i must tell you that i will always love you.

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Shiloniap Culture

A/u/o genders = a is often used for female objects as final letter, or to feminise it (example: boya, a girly boy), u is male and o neuter, similar to the english habit of naming on gender.

FANG 6 Teaser - While the Wind Shook the Barley

His final letter had been the most vitriolic and after that, i had not written him again. "i think he just needs to sober up a little," i said. it wasn't even dark and the fox reeked of stale alcohol.

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The Varo Correspondences Vol.1

_21st rain's hand_ i send this final letter ahead, in order that you may begin work post-haste.


What Is Left? Part 1

As i arrive at the door i notice a piece of paper is pinned to the doorframe, the piece of paper is a final letter from my lover.

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Kenta Chronicles: Love, Hate, Unknown!

The moment the final letter lift his lips the beam flipped around and raced into the tiger. kenta was stunned never seeing anyone do that, then..it hit him, he was catapulted of the ledge and across the street; crashing into the build on the other side.

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A Bleak Outlook (Part 1 of 2)

Also, be very cognizant that a 'g' tends a make a 'j' sound when succeeded by an 'e', especially when they're the final letters of a word." in contemplation, the bat looked up to the stain glass ceiling and puckered his lips.

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The Academy - The Final Chalenge

The final letter was from. traci. i opened this one eagerly and read through her familiar hand. _dear kirian,_ _sounds tough.

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No sooner did the sibilance from the final letter fade than a $5 bill was in danny's outstretched hand. the gold alone was worth more than that! "deal!" the older man accepted the payment and patted the young man on the shoulder.

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Silverback Episode 9

I went to write my final letter and then i thought what if he doesn't want to talk to me? what if he doesn't care anymore? i sat there in the candlelight staring at a blank page as tears began to form again.

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Return of the Lycans 1

Until he got to the final letter. it was short, only a few lines, but it struck a chord. "dear editor, my brother told me about an old myth that was about werewolves.

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