The First Kill

Zeng was now nine years old and had become a great hunter for the village, he invented new traps for catching fish, boar and all the other wildlife in the jungle and had great tracking skills thanks to his mothers training, one afternoon his mothers...

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The First Kill

The first kill slade sat alone at his table in the "cats meow tavern" staring into his half filled cup of spirits. he wasn't sure if he was really ready for what he was planing to do later that night.

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Rose's first Kill

Rose's first kill rose had been following, and tracking the buck for two weeks now. learning his habits, his patterns of thought. watching him chase would be hunters away from his does. that itself had been so very entertaining.

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Valentine's First Kill

He almost immediately stiffens up as the words fall on his ears. "It...I'm not going to was pretty...bad. I was only twelve years old." He sighs and stops walking, staring off into space as he recollects the events that had transpired that...

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Dark Secrets - First Kill

#2 of dark secret **dark secrets - first kill** i sat on my couch while my sis cleaned up in the shower. normally, when i'm sitting on the couch, i'm relaxing and not particularly thinking about anything. but right now? i couldn't turn my mind off!

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Aurora Sitka Chapter 1

My first kill of one of our pack's major prey animals! and two years before i had to prove myself to the alphas! when i reached my destination i laid the kill out on a sloping rock under an overhanging slab.

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Chapter 2: Guardian Angels

Do you remember your first kill?" i sort of feel ashamed to tell you this but. . . my first kills were when i saved you. du-ja stared a ja-daar for a few seconds. "really?!?" ja-daar started laughing.

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War crime

This old man was his first kill, much different than he imagined. he thought his first kill would be a polish soldier, but all he had done till this far was suppressing fire.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 2

She made her first kill six moons ago, the same night she left the cave of her own will, a great mother boar, half again her size." the grand male looked pleased.

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Road Trip of Murder part I

, he just nodded and we sped towards our first kill. time for some history, children. stanley jones, or mr. jones, was our 9th grade pe teacher and he was a fucking nightmare. he was indeed hated by everybody, and here's why. he hated everybody.

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A Valued Memory

More ruthless, more ahead of himself, he brutalized this man, tortured him, the first kill was so clean, he used poison.

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