Princess and the Dragon 6

"she never told me she has a half giant brother." malion said and the two looked at him. "tell me, if i may ask was your mother or your father the frost giant." the two widened their eyes. "and who is that dark elf sneaking up on us."

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AbortUS strikes back 2

She closed the bottle and put it on the desk which was close to the bed where a sleeping half giant laid.

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AbortUS strikes back 1

"This doesn't make any sense!", Liura said as she pulled yet another poor dead soldier to the cart, just re-baptized as the death cart, by the surviving soldiers. The dead humans lay everywhere and the survivors were doing their best, to give them a...

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Princess and the Dragon 9

Malion said, thinking heavily, 'the half giant is correct, this makes no sense at all' he thought. „and why haven't they striked yet?" arthur rose his voice a bit.

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Princess and the Dragon 8

He saluted with his posture and by making a slight bow with his head and left, so the half giant could get dressed.

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Princess and the Dragon 7

The princess was first to react, being after all a better suited politician than her two companions. She calmed herself and gathered herself mentally, as the other started arguing, but before the debate could escalate, she intervened. "Malion, we...

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Princess and the Dragon 13

"a half giant came and organized them to leave, more than 20 of them remained, but they are under our control now." aco said. "a half giant? that halfbreed mutt from the palace?" kole asked.

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Princess and the Dragon 10

Malion nearly yelled at the half giant who sensed really seriousness in the dragons voice, he know that many lives were at stake and that he had to do this by himself, for his father would never approve such a mission.

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AbortUS strikes back 5

"i figured that with you being half giant, you would come to that conclusion...", the king scolded him, clearly expecting as much from him.

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Princess and the Dragon 14

The dawn was late that day, the sun came later than anyone expected, the weary guards dragged their sorry arses and sleepy heads back to the barracks, they got the privilege of not being part of this war, for they were both weary and tired from...

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Princess and the Dragon 11

'i hope that half giant saves them, i wouldn't want that fate to my worst enemy.' he thought to himself. now, when the dragon left, the real talk started to flow, in short, there was way more commotion at the table than it was before.

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Princess and the Dragon 15

Arthur yelled as he took off his magic bracelet and turned into his true half giant form, his magic armor stretching with him, he then took a boulder bigger than a human and tossed it to the stih at the holdout, judging by the looks, he must have killed three

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