The Making of a Legend - The Life of Zig Zag
(((i would like to thank max blackrabbit for allowing me to use zig zag in this biography. i hope i have it right. enjoy reading about the life of this amazing furry. all copyright of zig zag is of max blackrabbit.)))
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 27
Schwartz and a man who called himself max blackrabbit. i specifically mentioned these two for a reason.
Chris Cross: A Moment of Weakness
.** **zz studios and zig zag is © max blackrabbit. sabrina is © eric w. schwartz.
Love Me Two Times
max blackrabbit and eric schwartz are two of the most famous artists of the furry fandom. both have accomplished much in their careers spanning at least a decade.
A Girl named Lassy Ch. 7
Alright, it took a while to get in contact with max blackrabbit for permission to use some of his characters for the next few chapters, but i finally got ahold of him for the permissions.
Chris Cross: Out of their league
Zig zag, zz studios is copyrighted to max blackrabbit. tracy and stacy skunk and shiela vixen is owned by e.s. schwartz, and the characters are used for fan-based purposes only.
Chris Cross: Out of their league
Zig zag, zz studios is copyrighted to max blackrabbit. tracy and stacy skunk and shiela vixen is owned by e.s. schwartz, and the characters are used for fan-based purposes only.
Stripper Harem: First and Second Impressions
**many characters from this story were inspired from artists such as xpray, the characters from high tail hall, sexyfur, max blackrabbit, and eric w.
Tiger by the Tail-Part two
Zig-zag is copyright by max blackrabbit. sheila vixen is owned by e.s. schwartz. all other characters are created by the author.
Tiger by the Tail
Zig-zag is copyright by max blackrabbit. sheila vixen is owned by e.s. schwartz. all other characters are created by the author. any resemblance to characters in this story to real world individuals is purely coincidental. "cmon, zig!"
Graduation Day
And yes, cynthia bloom is somewhat inspired by max blackrabbit's raven hunt. oh, and you can thank lyn chakitty for this story. this was done as a request for her. =3 anyway, enjoy your helping of public werecat fucking!
Stripper Harem: My First Girlfriend
**many characters from this story were inspired from artists such as xpray, the characters from high tail hall, sexyfur, max blackrabbit, and eric w.