The Never Heart
_Your laugh gives me life_ _Your breath gives me warmth_ _You broke the ice in my heart_ _You took down my walls_ _I well love you until the end of time_ _For you made my heart as big as the Sky_ _As wide as the Sea_ _My love for you is...
A bunch of questions answered about me. Thanks Arctic. Jerk.
1.) What's your name? I really don't know any of you on here and that's more of a privilege for you to know 2.) Do you know why you were named that? My parent say it after some air of exotic Apple. (yes, they're insane) 3.) Are you single or...
The Wolf Betrayed/A Renewal of Light
The once great wolf stood yet alone. He had ones who cared, ones who loved, even true friends... But none were ever there when he needed. He had been fine, moving, surging on. He thought that he had maybe, already finished. But she had...
A Fox's Family (Part Two)
The fights, the frustration of not knowing, the uncertainty and pain of wanting more and being too scared to do anything about it. all of it had surmounted into anger and the angrier he'd gotten, the worse things had been. "i...i can't feel my toes."
so its been a while since I uploaded, over a month actually, and its because school got busy with finals coming up. but I promise im working on chapter 2 and will post as soon as its finally done. thanks for keeping up with my story and, if you are,...
Mother and Son: Chapter 2
All characters are copyrighted to me, don't go around using them without my permission. "Names" include names of characters, cities or any other event that take place in this story... if you want more info, check out my page:...
Beginning- leading on.
Though it pained him to admit it Wolf liked getting away from the world he had spawned on, for while it was full of many wondrous things the opposite held true as well. There were many things Wolf had seen over the centuries that would make any sane...
I Will Never Know
So much to say So little the words Growing up Ive learned so much in this short life To live To laugh To love I wonder now Were our decisions right? Did we truely feel the way we thought so Or did we just hide away in our own...
One Weird Night
. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* epoh opened his eyes, not knowing what he would see, but hoping that it was something good.
Fat Men's Club [Part 1]
21 year old Buck Thompson stood outside the red rambler, a case of beer in one hand, and a bag of food in the other. The house belonged to a family friend of his. Since he was eleven, Buck had been joining his dad here, usually staying upstairs and...
Prize Stallion Preface
Prize StallionPreface The world of Corlea is one of the central production planets of The Empire. The Empire as it is called by its citizens is the central government of a civilization that spans nearly a quarter of the Great Eye. The Great...
Inqu pt.2
I pack my backpack with my school books ant lunch. _I hate Mondays..._ I think to myself as I wince and put my back pack on, my body still sore from the weekend. I pant lightly and sigh as I head to the car and climb in. "Everyone have their seat belt...