A dirtied breath of smoke and ashes went into my lungs as I was woken up to an explosion from outside my cell. The concrete blocks enough to weaken my cell's wall leading outside, I verified. I gave it one good kick, and then it crumbled into pieces. A...
Your Mom Lol
Banshi had a way of catching others in her aura. Part of it was her scent. She smelled. Just a little, and in the best of ways, of course. It was enough to turn Mahiri's head when she entered the little shop that the big, impressive hyena ran. They...
so its been a while since I uploaded, over a month actually, and its because school got busy with finals coming up. but I promise im working on chapter 2 and will post as soon as its finally done. thanks for keeping up with my story and, if you are,...
Birdo's Vengeance (you might cry laughing)
They wouldn't stop. No matter how hard he fought back, how strongly he tried to interrogate them, they'd just keep going. Those little bitches. A bitter irony was afoot: Mario, the hero of the mushroom kingdom, was being carried off by hundreds of shy...
Scientific Curiosity
Twilight Sparkle chewed nervously at the end of a quill, staring down at the parchment she was preparing to write in. She had it all set up. She had gotten the 'product' from Pinkie Pie. Apparently, the Cake's had gone to Zecora seeking a medicine that...
DDD Day 22 Yuumi and Warwick's Accidental Castration
Welcome to day 22 of Destroy Dick December! This story features anthro versions of the characters Yumi and Warick from League of Legends - I've never written anything with them before, but they worked perfectly for this! Want more? I'm posting an...
Today was an average day.
[14:59:07] lol clan: aye [14:59:16] heli: they are worse. especially kolda [14:59:19] lol clan: xd [14:59:24] heli: always sniffing!
I Just Came For the Food
There was this funny girl, lol, a sheep of all things, wearing one of those ugly reggae hats or whatever you called them (no dreadlocks, lol), carrying this huge bag on her shoulder, and generally looking like the goofy college girl she was, i thought, as
Break Up On The Highway
If any you guys want to use my characters for art or something lol just ask me first okay?
Taking it Easy
Such a soft voice...such damned cat curiosity, lol.
Chapter 4: Getting the Band Back Together
X Chapter -4- _Getting the Band Back Together_ **Peppy Hare's transport shuttle touched down** on the glossy runway deck plates. The shuttle grunted with a hiss of air from the struts beneath the landing rails. The side door opened, and he...
Going for a Coffee
lol...he...he was coming onto me? was that it?