Prima Nackt

World enveloped in Darkness. Unleashed by the falling sun. Guided by the rising Moon. I call you forth with all of my heart. Sing your melody to those listening to this mad man's words. As you have sung to me. Wise Raven in majestic...

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Haunted Past, Hopeful Future

Dawn broke early over the quiet, sleeping town of Stonehall, but Sam has been awake for a considerable length of time already. In fact, he hadn't slept, tirelessly running around the house and tidying the various rooms. They needed to be spotless. They...

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Chapter 3: The Past and Future

Chapter 3:the past and future "what do you mean i'm the first of my kind? the first of the dragons?" huma said still puzzled about what magnis meant. magnis throws his head back and laughs.

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Tragic Past Uncertain Future

Broken Legacy Chapter 1: Tragic Past Uncertain Future "What are you doing here _aruetii_?" An enraged male voice demanded. "Is that any way to treat your _vod_?" Another silky but barbed male voice tutted in disappointment. "I'm no brother of...

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Chapter XVI: A Past and Future Secret

There was a still in the air, like that of a calm just before the raging storm that threatened the horizons. A gentle caress from the wind upon Jillian's fur sent a shiver up her spine that felt all too familiar. "Sami?" she called, stopping for quick...

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 4: Past and Future

**Writers Note: Sorry friends, but this one is much longer. 5,000 words? Sheesh. But I felt it all had to go together. Troy's fantasies still don't get realized, but maybe now that some secrets are out and some walls are scaled, things can progress in...

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Tina's Story Chapter 98 - The past, The Future

Tina's Story Chapter 98 - The Past, The Future Tina and K.C. were having a late lunch at the Chili's near the DMV. After the foood came, they continue their conversation. "Tina, I don't know a lot about you before you came to the DMV." "Not much...

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 6: Past and future

. ^^ # chapter six - past and future - momiii! momiii! the little cheetah looked all around him for his mother, but she was not around. it was the first time he was on a "su-wey" and wanted to see everything.

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Genetic Children-Log 29- Korm's Past, Niel's future and Emu's Present.

_"Put down your guns and get off the ladder." The first masked man said._ _Niel was staring straight into the barrel of a Automatkarbin 5, an AK5. The AK5 was highly modified, with an elongated flash suppressor and a bayonet attatched. He took a quick...

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 10 - Past, Present, Future

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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Connecting Lines Proluge

They connect us all throughout time to our past and future selves, for those of you lucky enough to be able to access them, then your gifted with the knowledge of your past, and the wisdom of your future. unless your like me; a branch off the main path.

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LRSI Experiment #5

His past and future met to discuss their duties just as brenna finished up her checklist. "interlink stabilizing, and we have our connection."

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