Falling Apart
But will she be able to re-form her grainy, sand-like body to get help with all the sensations of re-forming clouding her senses?
Breaking Apart
**Breaking Apart** _ _ _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daniel18_ _ _ "So... Is this it?" Diane Foxington looked up, her ears twitching back and forth, little bits of her still crumbling from...
Nightmares of the Past
The only place where there was loose sand like this was the fighting pit. which meant... "what's the matter pup, you scared," a male voice mocked in her mind. sightless gold eyes turn towards a large brown wolf approaching her.
Au saga
The winds swirled the sand like a fine mist and a howl could be heard echoing. not the howl of the winds but one that could only be prescribed to a monster.
Crumbling Apart
The door swung closed after them, though her concentration faltered, her body crumbled, sand-like grains streaming from her shoulders, down her arms, losing both for a moment.
Glory's Bad Beach Day
True to their mother's request, the tentacles did not stop until glory was no more than a pleasured wreck, almost melting into the sand like butter as she finally glanced over to see a sign posted haphazardly on the beach. _'no swimming!
Only Those With Nothing to Lose Can Win Anything.
The head of the club hit the sand like a comet whirling to the sea. above the arena, james smith laughed in a pitch that hurt velikofsky's ears 'that's just fantastic!
Death is but a doorway.
I gave serous consideration to fucking the sand like no tomorrow, for a lot longer than i would have ever believed i would. with a grunt of discomfort i rolled on my side and reached down to stroke myself.
Deep Space - Chapter 6, A Living World
We saw the wave of sand-like bacteria flowing across the plains, but what was really unsettling was that it was a bright blue bacteria. not a reddish or yellowish like i thought, just cyan.
The Gladiator, Chapter 4
A deadly heat - people stepped out into it and stood paralyzed on the sand like buildings. then they retreated to the shade. faligar shut down as it always did during a heatwave.
POV vore - you and a sea lion
It's a long fat torpedo of a beast, its own weight making it bulge out to the sides on the sand like a deflating tire. it looks to be sound asleep and you are close enough to see its brown fur.
Double Knotted
The sheet of sand-like material isn't even resting on anything, it is suspended in the air by a magnetic field, so if ata pressed hard enough he could put his hand right through the display without actually breaking it.