Closing Distance [Raffle]
"Hey, Luke. Come look at this?" Cold winter day - thank God we had no plans outside the house. From where I sat on the futon, all that I could see through the picture window to my right was just... grey sky, flat, dreary. Hell, just looking at it...
Confidence [Patreon Commission]
After playing a concert there's always a lot of feelings going through your head and your heart. Contentment and enjoyment (since, after all, if you play an instrument but don't enjoy it, what the hell are you doing?), as well as the exhilaration of...
Tight Schedule [Trade]
:d last time we saw her, she was licking my otter's booty & shoving a toy up his rump in this story, she's gotten a hold of my hyena shekh (again) and decided to put him in his place (again). some good sheath tonguing & fucking just like my recent closing
Kinktober 2023 Story Sketches 16-20
### 16. Noah1237 - Sheathplay "Go left. No, no, _left,_ dingbat. I said that there - ah - _ah_..." Lukas glanced up from where he half-knelt, half-sprawled along the floor, his pants and underwear draped around his knees, one paw down...
Rehydration [Commission]
Lukas made sure not to bite his lower lip while he ran, focusing instead on the sensation of his footpaws bouncing across the oddly rubbery pavement, the still summer air turning to a gentle wind across his whiskers, shoulders, hips with his pace, the...
Kinktober 2022 Story Sketches 31-35
### Sheathplay Kefl Kieran grumbled and shifted in his seat again, trying to find a comfortable position in which to wedge his noticeably larger legs beneath the cafeteria hall table. At least he had been here long enough that nobody really...
The new mare in town
Nimbus mumbled out in response to that mare licking along his leathery sheath, tongue lapping so hungrily over his heavy orbs.
Writing Practice 6
With his prize revealed to him, the young wolf crawled back and leaned down, pressing his nose against shaun's sheath, tongue reaching out to lap at the heavy sac.
Kaeryn: Gone Male Chpt1
Ohh it was amazing, feeling those hot lips against my sheath, tongue licking at me eagerly, wanting my hot cock to slip out and play with. mmm.
Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 2
He could feel them though and as he stood there focussing he felt his body shift and flow, his balls sliding free of his body followed by a thick, plump sheath.
The otter kissed the end of dalton's sheath, tongue teasing at the edge before pushing inside to tease at the tapered tip. pre was oozing from dalton's sheath, and it coated jeremy's tongue as he slid more of it inside.
Sibling x Girlfriend Side-Stories - Guy Time
He stared lustily at the hand coaxing his meat out of its sheath, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth and tail wagging gently between dane's knees. gemini would be proud.