Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 4

Two months had passed since Eric's first day of middle school. As he expected, he had learned to enjoy his sixth grade year. Though recess was gone, it was replaced by classes that were far more enriching to him, like creative writing, swimming and...

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Chapter 6: Finding Peace with the past

Vedrits story was that he was sent before the merchant to find trading partners, mirrna and wern were under other covers.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Sixty-fifth Entry

Vin and landis were overjoyed to be granted the chance to mount katja and talia from behind, the brothers trading partners twice.

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A Foursome Unforseen

"this whole affair of trading partners was my idea, so i will begin."

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The Dragoness and The Swordsman: Chapter 2

He made sure to leave a few of his catch for his trading partner, whoever they may be. he'd just lain down and fell asleep when she decided on a plan.

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Age of Fire Isekai: Effect and Cause

It would hardly improve our standing among our human trade partners." olivia nodded, conceding the point. "understood.

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Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

So when she's asked to provide some advice on how to handle a thorny diplomatic situation involving an ongoing war between one of the utopia's dwarven trading-partners and a neighboring orcish tribe, she decides to just go right on ahead and handle the matter

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Drac Ch12

At the end we had to trade partners and then... well, he didn't survive.' 'oh, i'm sorry to hear.'

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His New Moon [Chinese Dragon TF]

I learned that he was in china on the behalf of a domestic business that was looking for new trade partners, but had found little success. i asked him why he hadn't gone back to america.

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The Strangers

The lupines had never met the humans- thusly they were strangers but as intellectual equals and possible future trading partners, they were also friends.

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History of Valora: Races, Part 1

To this day, the packs have not unanimously agreed to join with the kingdom, but are still strong allies and trade partners to valora.

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