Half & Half: Balto & Aleu - Wolf & Wolf

A steady wind blew across the deck of the derelict fishing boat. The old wood of the vessel slowly rotting in the frozen sand of the beach. It was the deepest part of the alaskan winter, snow covering every surface as thick clouds held in the night...

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Toby's Super Awesome Werewolf Stat Sheet

| lupine | lupine | | posture | bipedal | bipedal | hybrid | quadrupedal | bipedal | | metatarsal | plantigrade | plantigrade | digitigrade | digitigrade | plantigrade | | snout | no | no

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Hypnovember - Day 28: Dreams

That wolf? wolf... wolf... wolf... the rabbit and the room transformed before his eyes. with each blink, fox saw his surroundings change. the fancy room was replaced by the humid and dark backroom of a bar he knew very well.

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Starfox: Fox and Wolf Fall In Love

"make love to me, wolf." wolf smiled at the sight of fox's exposed rear.

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Wolf Lovin'

He moves just like normal against wolf, but he misses with every punch and kick he throws towards wolf. wolf's blows on the other hand keep connecting with fox's body.

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Anger Management, Whandirlust style (a Blaquetygriss Scribble)

Everywhere i look it's wolf-wolf-wolf-wolf or fox-fox-fox-fox! damn it! i can't take it anymore! stop it with the dogs!" keesha pulls her hair. "you're a dog... half dog and chicken, you dog-birded bitch!"

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Hidden Heritage - Prologue

Prologue It was something that I was unaware of at the time. Something that I thought would actually never happen, me a wolf fall in love with someone of my own gender...is that wrong? So many questions swarm my mind, I can't think straight. I sit by...

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Starfox: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do - Part 5

"i think that day will come,right wolf?" wolf wanted to strangle her, but he knew that she had him by the balls. every move he made, every attempt he made at stopping this was thwarted by the sly krystal.

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Starfox: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do - Part 4

"hello there, my sexy wolf!" wolf's eyes were as big as dinner plates. standing in the doorway was krystal, completely naked and moving her paws along her breasts, trying to entice the lupine into being with her once more.

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Fundamentals of Furry (Part 3)

Especially when it came to wolves. wolves are represented as a strange sort of animal in television, in stories, in all sorts of media. elusive, cunning, and less than happy-go-lucky in the stories, it's no wonder they seem so misrepresented.

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Balto, Jenna

Balto was part wolf, wolves only had one mate. "mush!" the high voice started jenna as rose began to pull the dogsled and driver on the floor.

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Starfox: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do - Part 1

An orange fox came out to the living room, his paws against his hips as he gave a mock scowl at the wolf. "wolf o'donnell, are you tormenting marcus?" wolf stopped tickling the blue fox and picked him up, holding him up with his right arm. "me?

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