March On

A/N: This is a story I've had for awhile now. I started it about a year ago but left it to sit on my hard drive, and I've just recently gotten around to finishing it. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. ~OC ...

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Everything's Magic

A/N: I started working on this one at the same time as "Lightning Storm", it just took me longer to finish, because of the aformentioned story and because it was finals week at school. It was on my mind and I wanted to get it down before it...

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Lightning Storm

A/N: Sorry about the delay on this one. I meant to put it up sooner, but I've been busy with school and such. It feels somewhat rushed, and I don't think it's very good, but I hope you guys enjoy it. Oh, and constructive critism if you please. ~OC ...

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You Could Be Happy

A/N: After posting my first story, "Raine's Comfort", I had often wondered what happened to Brandyn after James sent him away, and this is what I came up with. Written to Snow Patrol's song, "You Could Be Happy". It seemed to fit. ...

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Raine's Comfort

It was raining. Lightly, but still raining. The individual drops making tiny noises as they fell to the pavement below, meshing and melding into their own soft music. It was one of those days when you could sit inside in your favorite chair,...

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Empty - Chapter 4

He stopped in the city park for lunch, gratefully dropping the heavy bags by a picnic table near the small creek that split the town. But Rachel the raccoon plushy never left his side. He set it on the scarred surface of the table and retrieved on of...

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Empty - Chapter 3

He awoke the next morning to the sound of birdsong. A single ray of sunshine pierced the curtains and landed square in his eyes. Squinting, he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, wondering why he felt so awful. The memories of last night's...

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Empty - Chapter 2

He sighed dejectedly as he closed the door behind him, ignoring the blood now smeared on the knob from his wounded paw, and flicked the switch of the battery powered lantern placed on the table in the entryway, bathing the walls with its bright glow....

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Empty - Chapter 1

The two years of loneliness were beginning to get to him. It had started out as a tickle at the back of his mind. A mild feeling of unease. Of wrongness. Then again, nothing about the situation was particularly right, so that was understandable. But...

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My Pen, And My Choice

All he could do was pour his heart out onto the page. So few truely understood the depth of his pain, his longing. So he wrote it down in the notebook with the black cover. It was his chronicle. He lived with pain his whole life. Raised under the thumb...

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