Morning Hunger

The morning was early and warm. My body did not want to move. Even as I felt Ryuu, my baby-blue anthro-dragon lover, roll out of our nest of pillows and blankets, I still did not want to move. Perhaps my swelling stomach, slightly rounded with the...

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Chapter 2: A Nighttime Visit

Sylver had left the castle all together, leading Drake out onto the ground and to the hedge maze. The snow had been cleared from the evergreens. Safely contained fires burned in open sections while fairy-lights wove through the trimmed branches...

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Yasha's Nails

I looked down upon our nest, the collection of tangled blankets and feather pillows that never really matched. I could see the evidence of our livesâ€"my long, auburn hairs clinging to pillows and his baby blue scales scattered here and there from...

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Chapter 1: A Ball Date

Busy, busy, busy! It was the morning of the annual ball for Three Chapters Private Animal Academy. Classes were canceled to allow for preparation. Teachers scurried here and there, adding to the Yule-time decorations throughout the enchanted castle....

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Chapter 1: A Mouse's Proposal

"How did we ever end up in a classy place like this? How'd we ever get in!?" Commented Rosaline as she looked at herself in the mirror of a clothing shop. Months had passed since she joined Nikko (nee-ko) after they were run out of town. They had been...

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Summer of the Dragon Ch. 1

It was a hot summer day, at least to those on the ground. Ryuu had been flying for several hours when he decided to take a break at a lake he knew of that was a goodly distance from the nearest village, which happened to be an ancient settlement for...

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