Dogfight - Who can be the biggest?

Dogfight - Who can be the biggest? Inflation- Various Sizes; Gift for Rana on Furaffinity "So Dusty, has Kodi gotten you pregnant yet?" Aleu asked her sister-in-law. "What? Oh, no, not yet. He wants to wait a little while longer...

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Jenna and the Red Balloon (English)

Jenna and the Red Balloon It was a wonderful afternoon as Jenna finished her daily walk and Mahde her way to Baltos boat. Balto had invited her to spend the evening with him to see some of the most beautiful auroras that had been predicted for...

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Jenna and the Red Balloon (German)

Jenna and the Red Balloon Es war ein wundervoller Nachmittag als Jenna ihren alltäglichen Spaziergang beendete und sich auf den Weg zu Baltos Boot machte. Balto hatte sie eingeladen den Abend mit ihm zu verbringen und sich die besonders schönen...

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Balto and Jenna get Blown Up

Jenna paced back and forth in the alleyway across from the post office in an effort to keep herself warm. While the night sky overhead was perfectly clear, the night air was bitterly cold. Her breath frosted in the air ahead of her as she paced,...

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For a Milkshake Chapter 2

This is my half of a trade with Shaon the Kozo. Sorry it took so long... \>\_\< Inspiration has been running a little short lately... The first chapter can be found here:...

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01 - Such Small Hands

Eve: Chapter One: Such Small Hands "It's time for a new beginning." -??? Dawn was breaking. The orange color of the sunrise bled into the small room, the ruddy color steadily reflected off of the black scales of the dragoness laying in one of the...

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Un Compagno

I have _got_ to draw a cute and floofy version of my sona. I WANT A FLUFFEH! D:\< O.o ... \<\_\< Oh, uhm, hi? Just... ignore me. A story with sex between a dragon and a lucky-ass man is below... Erm, yeah... Go uh, read that or something... Seriously,...

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The Second Cycle: Chapter Six

(Yeah, really quick chapter update I know, but I've nothing to do while on a 'vacation' in the big city. So this is the best way to pass the time here. .-.) Guardians Awakened: Chapter Six: Escape "What!?" Sain looked up from packing Cye's...

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The Second Cycle: Chapter Five

Guardians Awakened: Chapter Five: Cye Alyx leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and watched Sain, who was on the lying on the bed face-up with her tail stuffed into herself. He watched her still as she pumped it in and out of herself...

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The Second Cycle: Chapter Four

Guardians Awakened: Chapter Four: Disembark Sain was driving a small sedan out into the countryside following Vance's directions from the back. They'd made it away from the hotel with the few items that Alyx and Sain had stashed there, Sain had...

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A Visitor

Of Myths and Legends: Chapter One: A Visitor "This is the real world. Let go of all your romantic fantasies of a better tomorrow, their nothing more than that. Fantasies. The only time what you want actually happens is if you get up and do it." ...

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An Understanding

Alright queue the epic music (Preferably Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva [I know I want it. :3])and sit back. It's finally here! The next chapter of 'Of Myths and Legends'! I was really surprised at the amount of interest and favorites the story...

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