A drive in the park

Maria glanced over at the adult mouse sitting next to her on the couch, the two of them just relaxing and watching television, but the young vixen was bored. "You knoooooow~?" she purred out, dragging her words out childishly, making the adult mouse...

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Sappy Valentine's Story|Week 5 BPWW

The knocking of the door became so insistent, so perversely annoying, it disrupted the young male's sleep. With a loud groan he got up and sleepily walked towards the bathroom. It had been a short night, a heavy day at work the day before... His mind...

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Rural life | Week 4 BPWW

It all started with that damn cat. You know, village life's never exactly been so pretty as everyone makes it sound. To be honest, some of the rumors are pretty much spot on! Us village-people being a kinda racist, incestuous loving bunch for example....

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Swinging it around | Week 4 BPWW

"Just give me a beer." the young adult said as he settled in at the bar. Glancing around he saw that some were already partially undressed, some even fully nude! Knowing what a party that was going to be, he stripped his shirt off as well, waiting for...

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Will, you love me | Week 3 BPWW

He sat next to her, the steady rumble of the train nearly silent as his brain was barraged with so many thoughts at once. His girl, the cute classmate at his side, was really okay joining him on his trip home. It was only two days after their first...

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The dungeon| Week 6 BPWW

With a grin, he entered the infamous lobby of his most favorite establishment in the city. He often came here when he had a rough day at work and needed some relaxation and fun. With a big grin he registered another visit at the reception. Being a...

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Morning Menu at Tiffany's

_That's my first short adult story, I hope it's not bad. Doesn't contain anything bad at all, just look at the Tags. That's all I have to say about it, woof._ He woke up with a groan, a slight headache pounding in waves through his brain, making his...

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