A Wolf' Punishment

**A Wolf's Punishment** By: VeronicaFoxx For: Revakulgr The black dragon lay on the warm cobbles of the village square, his head propped atop one of his foreclaws so that he could tap his digits against the side of his snout as he...

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(Un)Willing Tribute to the Dragon

(Un)Willing Tribute to the Dragon For Revakulgr By Draconicon Through the forests of the western woods, the great master of shadow and leaf walked. His steps shook the trees, and the occasional wingbeat stirred the branches greater than any storm....

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The Hen Delivers fresh eggs

**The Hen Delivers Fresh Eggs** By: VeronicaFoxx For: Revakulgr Revakulgr was alone again in Rain's apartment. Like the last time, she was at the clinic having the eggs checked over. Unlike the time two weeks ago, however, the dragon...

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The Dragon and the Hen

**The Dragon and the Hen By: VeronicaFoxx For: Revakulgr** Gryphons had always fascinated Revakulgr. They were a rather poor attempt by the humans to imitate something of the grace and wonder and majesty of the draconic race,...

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Nanaki and the Chocobos

**Nanki and the Chocobos** By: VeronicaFoxx For: Revakulgr "Don't get into too much trouble, Red!" Tifa shouted after him as he slunk away from the group, answered by a soft growl from the canine-esque felinoid. They were checking into the hotel,...

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Breaking the Jockey

**Breaking the Jockey** By: VeronicaFoxx For: Revakulgr The black-scaled dragon wriggled himself deeper into the warm sand of the lounging room that connected to the locker area and let out a contented growl. His usual rider was on maternity...

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Using Those Studding Fees for Something Part 2

Using Those Studding Fees for Something Part 2 For Revakulgr By Draconicon As amused as the dark dragon was with the stubbornness of the gryphon beneath him, he was more aroused by the fact that she could take him and still do something back. The...

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Using Those Studding Fees for Something part 1

Using Those Stud Fees for Something For Revakulgr By Draconicon The dark dragon had bred any number of dragonesses since reaching adulthood. At first, it was merely a prize to be won in a fight, the right to breed stripped from the dragoness and...

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Merchant Milking for Profit

Merchant Milking for Profit For Revakulgr By Draconicon Revakulgr waited in the courtyard outside his makeshift palace, the great feral dragon stomping from one side of the courtyard to the other impatiently. Most would have taken some minutes to...

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