Not Alone

Not Alone By Somber "Damn! Damn damn damn!" Xiao Min swore as the panda buried her face in her arms. It was supposed to be so...

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I'm a what? (chapter 1)

First story. Warning, spelling and grammatical errors ahead. Just trying to get it written in the first place. Contains watersports, blood, and cub play. If you don't like it, I really don't care, but if you have comments or suggestions I'd be glad to...

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First Enconters

He awoke to the sound of a familiar voice a voice he hated due to the fact it belonged to his personal aid that was given the job of waking him up every day at 6am but it felt sooner then that. "Mr. President wake up they say we have a situation and...

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More Than Engines Purr

More than Engines Purr By Alexander K. Wolf Blaine sat underneath his car tightening a bolt on the suspension of his 68 Chevy Camero it was another hot Californian day and sweat ran down the silver wolfs oil covered face. This car was his...

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Yiff in California

Yiff in Caliâ€"Santa Cruz Thanks to Hawaiian stile for inspiration through his Yiff in Hawaii series Derek was waking up in his usual way to the sound of waves crashing on the shore and the heavy smell of salt in the cool humid air that wafted...

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Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me

Thrill me kiss me kill me- chapter one the new guy A large wolf stood just in the shadow of a tall building dressed in a large trench coat that covered his long black furred body he remained out of site doing very well for a wolf of his size he...

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The Devil Dog

\*WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS EXTREAM VIOLENCE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED\* This is for the fallen remember them with honor. I pulled up to the rifle range "I don't know if ill be able to do this" I thought as I got out of my jeep and grabbed the...

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A New Meaning to Ocean Lovers

This is based on a trip I took to Santa Cruz so enjoy               I was walking on the wharf near my house when I heard some one calling...

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