Of Alexander

It begins in a most unusual way. I recall not the steps that took me to you, but the first glimpse I received changed the very core of me. I'd always been a man who knew what he wanted, but I'd never had quite so desperate a need. You, of course,...

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The Life and Death of August Corcoran

August Corcoran was unmistakably dead, and that was that. That was the thing Lance Dyer thought of before anything else. It was, in fact, all he could think of, that August Corcoran had died, because seeing so much death in your life may make it...

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Nine Lives of Deathrow - Prologue

If I were to blame anybody for any of it, I would have blamed my parents for teaching me how to read. I spent many years of my life indoors, due to a weak body and a delicate temperament. One of those things persisted into my adulthood, and the other...

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