Submission to the Mind Flayer
The mind flayer had gotten all he needed.
Warrior Clan: Chapter two: One lost, one found
The flayer tried to stab him, but the frenzied hyena ducked away, cut off both the flayer's arms and then jabbed his battleclaw up under the mutant's muzzle, before he ripped off the flayer's head.
Taking Over Command
Mind flayers... though they looked a bit different in this case.
Truth (Kreet 29)
This mind flayer must be stopped. or made a high court judge. suddenly kreet no longer was in the cavern with the mind flayer. she was, however, in a cavern. she knew she was far, far away from where she had been. miles... years... decades.
Psionic Abuse
It is amazing how the mind flayer is using his blue crotch tentacles to latch onto the feral's big juicy butt.
Behold (Kreet 28)
Standard mind flayer has 4 tendrils. mind flayer nobles have 6. our variant has 8. (much smaller tendrils than that pictured). the idea being he has much finer control than a standard-issue mind flayer.
Distraction (Kreet 30)
Then he turned to the mind flayer, who had been oddly silent. "go ahead. do what you will, mind flayer." but the thing wasn't paying him any attention. the tendrils were writhing unusually. "something comes... what is it?
Psionic Experiment
Echoes of pleasure and ball smacking motion echoing throughout the cavernous room as the mind flayer teases both of his pets.
The only lubricant is from the mind flayer's copious amounts of pre-ejaculate. though that is all he really needs. yet even as the mind flayer has his way with the toy's artificial rump, selth is not being allowed to enjoy the experience.
========== it didn't take long for leron to find a flayer - or rather, a flayer to find him.
The End (Kreet 31)
She felt the mind flayer trying to touch her and watching her approach, but it was unable to find her mind. she refused to don her human intelligence and the flayer passed over her. kreet ran at the thing, more an animal than she'd ever been before.
Lust and Found
The hidden enemy lays low the monstrous kin of the mind flayer who is none too pleased at losing both guardians of the chamber.