Hellscream and the Concubine
The vision of a handsome, large mogu suddenly appeared before hellscream.
Testing the Merchandise
"we have three days to have you ready for the mogu auction and this saurok is taking his toll on your body."
Fires of Draenor
The mogu's rumbling chuckle shoot the room, and he clapped his hands together. a wave of dark energy blasted the two back against a wall, holding them both in place.
Shoa tells a story of his past.
With a growl, the older pandaren pulled it out and he punched the mogu hard as it fell to his knees and then forwards.
First Impressions
"no, no, the mogu are ruthless warriors, they stop at nothing to gain power and have warred with my people for generations".
Syn, Lili & Aya - Prologue: The Adventure Begins
The door was definitely mogu in design though it was unique in design as well, but lacked any real creativity in detail.
Brian and Me part 3
You're boyfriend is right, you need to give him a moment to- ya ne mogu v eto poverit'!" we hear his father coming back, yelling. he was furious. "ya ne mogu v eto poverit'!
It was her fault, and worse she tried to turn her blade against them in a fit of rage, unable to stop just because she could find no more mogu to slaughter. _murderer_...
The Vale Bloom
Commissioned by zyxxs on fa after his trial, garrosh hellscream waits to hear his sentencing at an ancient mogu tower guarded by the shado-pan and celestials.
The Power of One Night
In common, there could be one word serving to translate to a few dozen mogu words, yet none of them meant precisely the same thing.
A Heart Renewed
Shining like strips of shimmering blue on a golden field were the waters she had thoughtlessly been slashing around in as she fought both mogu and wildlife. kerah looked down at her hands. she felt alive, she had to be alive!
Nightmare Company Pilot episode pt. 2
Yemu v to vremya kak ya mogu proverit? s natal'ya_." he ordered in russian ("you watch him while i check out with natalya.") without even responding, the guard pointed his rifle at tobias. tobias watched as the russian finally approached the desk.