The New Chieftain

After the impromptu celebration, which oslo gathered shortly thereafter with his ringing proclaimation, oslo decided to have him find out.

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Play Me, Play You (QCP: BG-Eps08)

.)_ oslo quietly gulped. he knew that if gerard had that kind of permission, oslo's sex life could be over with. fenwick was feeling oslo's forehead. "are you feeling well?" oslo replied, "just practicing for the school play, fenwick.

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The Back Way Out - Part 2 of 2 (QCP: BG-Eps07)

Leon and oslo then left the car and approached the cabin. oslo then stepped in front of leon and knocked on the door. "it's oslo and a friend. we're alone."

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Out After Curfew (QCP: BG-Eps03)

Gerard replied, "oslo otter is treating me to my first tattoo." the rabbit hulk then noticed oslo in the parlor, then glanced back to gerard with a very concerned look on his muzzle.

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Twelve Wishes of Christmas (QCP: BG-Eps10)

Leon prince was still dating oslo otter, much to gerard's appalling distaste and it was getting too weird in the otter studio apartment to wake up mornings to catch oslo and leon in bed together. and yes, oslo was also at the dinner.

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Part Time Pink (QCP: BG-Eps04)

Gerard turned to look at oslo. "mom and dad wanted to know if i had let you... do me... yet. every time anyone hears that you and i are friends, i always hear that question." oslo smiled.

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Anisapien High (QCP: BG-Eps01)

The name is oslo. so you're the new kid..." gerard said, "gerard prince. you come here often?" oslo stepped passed gerard about a foot and replied, "you might say that.

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Carrots and Curfews (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 4)

oslo nodded his head as gerard told him the plans for each night of the coming week. then oslo hugged the boy. "just don't forget that you'll be receiving homework starting tomorrow."

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Impcon (QCP: BG-Eps09)

Perhaps the worst part of the week was that oslo otter was running for a council position. and gerard had to watch oslo get dressed up in monkey suits and skinny ties for his rallies and debates.

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To Sponsor a Prince (QCP: BG-Eps11)

He had kept his word to simba by lying to oslo otter about scooby doo's crush, and tried to set up his father with simba. but only after a single month, leon was right back with oslo. apparently living with simba was not as simple as it sounded.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt2

Kyle didn't remember at all how this fifth fight went, but apparently he had slightly outperformed lucas in the spar, at least according to coach oslo in his one-on-one session later.

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Scholastic Chaos (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 2)

"but oslo told me the other night-" coach winslow cut him off, saying, "you met oslo otter? really?" his attitude and expression seemed to instantly change regarding the young man.

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