
They would be an entirely new kind of pathogen spreading throughout the human race. but first, they had to finish their current pleasure.

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A Lesson in Future History

What does that have to do with a pathogen?"                 keverne smiled."some scholars have said that religion is in itself a pathogen. but i digress. religious wars were erupting in your day were they not?."                 "yes.

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Advent, Chapter 8-Infiltration

Notice: abnormality detected in anterior-dorsal area of brain; scarring caused by pathogen: predict slight mental handicap. a pathogen?


Advent, Chapter 4-Briefing

At that time, the pathogen will release the stored energy to paralyze the nerve cells, along with the victim. after that, the nerves are destroyed by the meta-vipirum agent that is released from the pathogen.

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Advent, Prologue

It was planned, with great assistance from humanoid 54, that the pathogen was to be released on july 5, 2004 at 8:00 am cst over tokyo, osaka, java, melbourne, and sydney.

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Such resistance to the pathogen proved futile as she clung to her identity as closely as she would a lover.

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Chapter Nine: Short-lived Relief

"the best way i can explain it is as an unknown pathogen." "wait, what am i missing here?", selina butts in, my gear still in her possession. "nate has an unknown what in his blood?" "a pathogen.", elrick repeats. "a germ, basically."


Project DDS Profile

So there the three men were, left to their own devices while the people on the other side of the room prepared the pathogen for the dragon, great dane and kangaroo.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 4, Testing and treatment

An x ray scan showed traces of a leftover pathogen. when the doctor scratched his head, james asked, "what is it?" "a leftover pathogen." "figured as much." "i'll see what i can do" wait, will i have to be put to sleep for zhis?" "not for this."

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Advent, Chapter 6-New Threat

But so many viruses they have, pathogens of sorts like that, very nasty. luckily, with the data you obtained, we have a cure for each and every one.

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Advent, Chapter 7-Double Alliance?

The pathogen, the plan, the history, surely much more too. who was this guy? well, if you want to know something, ask. "who are you?" i queried. "that's not an easy question to answer.
