"just a placeholder"this past month i got stumped on a scene and asked for help from my best furiend, chael, (https://chael.sofurry.com/) so if you wish to thank him for help and provide a little encouragement as we finish this chapter, please visit his
Coming soon Smarthouse: Connection
This is a placeholder for an upcoming story, smarthouse: connection may be a working title but if not you'll find out and if you have any suggestions instead of numbers let me hear them in comments!
"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.3)
placeholder images still in place for delilah's dressing and undressing. 2. mel's dialog with delilah during the conversation scene is a placeholder pending some more intelligent response capability to delilah's discussion. 3.
WIP Fetish Story is WIP
This is placeholder dialogue and placeholder names (idk i might keep them), and early rough draft concept. --- i've always wanted to be a psychologist, i love studying the human mind and why we act the way we do, especially fetishes.
Muscle Growth Game - Public Alpha Test v0.05
\*\*\* **make these assumptions:** - all content is subject to change - all written text are placeholders - all present content is buggy as balls **do these things:** - repeatedly visit all scenes and zones - buy every item you see - talk to
Phoenix - Prologue
Edit: i'm not sure how to remove posts, so this message is just a placeholder. also, there will no longer be a prologue because i'm going to work the story out so that it doesn't need one.
I write chapters as somewhat of a flow of consciousness which will contain inconsistencies, grammatical errors, placeholder dialogue, and exposition in place of events that i haven't figured out how to describe.
"A Date With Delilah" Visual Novel Story (WIP)
placeholder images galore with multiple artistic inconsistencies (e.g. delilah's outfit) - next version will feature customised artwork. 2. no image for blowjob scene - custom art to be done.
Earth 42 info
#1 of world docs this is a run down on the basic info about my unnamed universe (earth 42 is just a placeholder name) **the purpose of this document is to record what has thus far been established in my universe both for me, and for others to refer to when
"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.4.01)
Image from chapter 1 used as placeholder in equivalent chapter 2 scene (inconsistent backgrounds) 2. no custom art for massage scene troubleshooting: =============== q1. "i double-click on the .exe file and nothing happens." a1.
"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.4)
Some images from chapter 1 used as placeholders in equivalent chapter 2 scenes (inconsistent backgrounds) 2. no custom art for massage scene troubleshooting: =============== q1.
Tom the deer - introduction
Some might have to stay placeholders due to content restrictions. hint: since this is sofurry, this is where the stuff not allowed on ikbunny will go ;) this is a story about tom the deer. tom's real name was actually tomoko.