The Human Species Ch. 68 - Mystic Tracker Sigilyph
The sigilyph took off as quietly as it had landed, heading in the direction of their next destination.
The Human Species Ch. 69 - Lethal Virus Pokテゥrus
Zoroark hoped lucario did not know that the sigilyph also happened to be the best anti-fighting type they had, and would have made sure to bring him here whether he wanted to or not.
Shing's story
-- a sigilyph hovered next to his abra apprentice, who was now in his teenage pokeyears. shing held a paintbrush in one hand, and a palette in the other.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Victory Road
Through victory road i went as was challenged by an ace trainer who sent out a sigilyph and i sent out my mightyena having him use crunch defeating sigilyph.
The Human Species Ch. 76 - Faithful Psychic Mew
The whimsicott and sigilyph were the only ones to know of her presence here, inside the inconspicuous wreck of an old human vehicle that neither man nor pokémon would ever look at twice.
Tribal Lore - Act: II ~Awash With Belonging~
Lazily, but still observant, i noticed to their sides, adrift upon the waft of air, their vibrantly coloured sigilyphs trailing in loyal accompaniment, for all three of my sisters had been deemed of worthy qualities.
The Human Species Ch.103 - Deadly Demonic Entity
Lucario said in a misguided attempt to make her feel better, the image of a particular sigilyph appearing in his mind, "just, uh... reveal your real gender after this is all done, and i bet you can meet some guys with no problem!"
Illusory Pleasure
After sterne, there was a gallade named kenshin that taught her how to rely on her physical senses in a fight, an indeedee named clara who taught her how to summon terrain and how to use it to her advantage, and a sigilyph named dorothi who taught her how
Chapter 5: The Bolt Badge
We were faced with a sandile, darumaka, sigilyph, and scraggy. needless to say, we came out victorious, with tensa even contributing this time with a tail slam of his.
Remember the Oath 16 - Operation Chaos
"yeah, what a dumbass that kid was, who the hell uses a sandile against a sigilyph?" "hey, dark-type versus psychic, it works!" "yeah but ground versus flying did him in, stupid kid forgot about that brutal air cutter attack.