Foresight and luck part 7: out and open

Pulling into the stundent parking lot ayden's nerves kicked back into one of the higher gears. zeke parked in his normal spot surrounded by the most all the jocks at their school.

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Kapitel 7

Sie fielen Sprichwörtlich mit der Tür ins Haus. Gefolgt von einem Schwall Wasser, der den schmalen Flur für einige Sekunden in einen Wildwasserkanal verwandelte, bevor er über die Treppen im Keller verschwand. Ein lauter, quietschender Schrei erklang,...

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Lucien's Tale-Chapter One:Fear and other feelings

Rao looks at her brother, "yeah, every year this school gets more and more stundents." artie sees edge and blushes," h-hiya edge." edge looks at the lucario and says nothing.

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the new guardians part nine

Shadowheart said while smiling sheepishly, "young dragon you are brought here under the charge of assault on one of our acadamy stundents how ho you plead" terrador asked while shadowheart examined his talons, "who did he attack terrador" ignitus asked confused

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