A Ripple In The Sands
"verac?" ripple shuddered and closed her eyes. she didn't want to be seen like this, not even by her brother. in a few more minutes, she would be a killer. verac wouldn't turn her in, no, they were too close.
Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Seven
Said verac. nakishodo shrugged in response holding his cane. "do you even have a proper weapon?" added verac. "i was planning on bonking them to death." replied nakishodo. "you have the basic caster's staff...are you just born stubborn?"
Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Nine
"probably just a bundar." remarked verac though he had charged up a fireball spell in preparation.
The Veracity of His Word
#7 of tales from the hub veracity makes unusual friends. or is the proper term; strange bedfellows? and what's with the voice? is it just a lot of noise, or is it merely a pre-programed response from centuries old machinery.
God...in the Flesh
"hello veracity. my you're a big bastard. the original genetic matrix allowed room for growth, but you're kind of vulgar." i was squinting at this thing. it was furless, except on top, and it seemed small and weak.
Three's Company
You know, veracity. i know i don't count as much with a god running loose, but tough shit for you. life has gotten a bit more interesting, and while i hate boredom, i think i may have bit off more than i can chew.
Oh God, Where Art Thou?
You are veracity harms, son of gregor and lacuna harms. your father's father was hamilton, his father was mycroft, son of roland, son of marcus, son of man o'war the first prime. very curious.
Something Old, Something New
"veracity harms." "subject veracity harms now has access to all g.o.d. files and protocols. do you wish to make an informational request?" "sure. who the hell invented you? and who is this god person?
Big Trouble in a Tiny Package
You have to remember veracity that this body is a construct. you were born; this was created in a machine. i might be able to make another, better version if i want to later, but i was in a hurry.
Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Five
_i thought as i moved to follow the pair with verac at my side.
Harsh Realities of a Coming Apocalypse
"hello veracity." his voice sounded a bit different. "hello yourself. what the hell did you unleash on them?"
On Shaky Ground
"veracity, you and your present generation are woefully out of date when it comes to information pertaining to what i set up here so long ago. this city derives most of its energy from the active magma system underneath it.