Miranda's Ognesha Memories 1
"i'll have some things to say about her meself," the half-orc says, combing her hair and heading toward the mirror. "bloody hells, that first deck got me good, din'it?
A Wealthy Woman's Game 3
The lady of the house returns home from a long and annoying day. Made up in the lastest Anteronian fashion of frilly-yet-form-fitting attire, she wastes no time loosening herself up. Black hair spills from its ties and knots over slender green...
Miranda's Ognesha Memories 3
"You're weak!" A crash of furniture summons Miranda out of her chamber, where the tantrum interrupted hours of study. Out of the master bedroom, a man rushes out, slamming the door behind him, catching his breath. Miranda, dressed in her...
On the balcony (Bartleby the badger/half-orc)
The half-orc was reduced to the larger bones and a mass of nearly liquid nutrient after half a day in a dire badger's stomach.
Partners in Crime - Rebellion (1)
Nodding in the direction of a headless corpse, the half-orc mocked "he was the one who said the remaining five of you could kill me, so try it! ..well, there's just four of you now!"
First Steps
"yes," fayel squeeked out as he rested his head against the half-orc, feeling how fast her heart was beating. he resumed groping and rubbing the half-orc's big butt.
Kerage and Tesarasa 2
Sitting around a morning fire, cooking up breakfast for himself and his traveling companions, Kerage finds himself brought back to a time long gone. He is by far an old man, but the adventuresome days of his youth were far behind him. It is nice,...
Relaxation Activities
A loud and cheerful voice greeted them, a large half-orc stood behind a counter that had opposing doors in the left and right of them "welcome!"
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 08 'Zackton Silvercane'
He asked, putting one hand palm-down on the floor. the half-orc feared nomos in a way he feared none of the others; the others were human, or had been human, or were close enough to human that the half-orc could understand them.
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 07 Talon
The half-orc was now completely naked, facing talon without concern.
Paying but not through the nose
Lysola looked up at the half orc's dark brooding face. the displeasure was obvious, the half orc half ogres face was scowling! lysold lunged for the cock, grabbing it in one hand.
Two and A Half Orcs Chapter 1 (Exclusive teaser)
**two and a half orcs chapter 1 - big meal before a big adventure.** _written by humbleheretic_ cedar town was the true definition of a melting pot of many creeds and races. today as well, the town was bustling from the early hours of the morning.