Iron Author #10: Double Duty
#16 of iron author double dicks for double digits! woo! i was curious as to how you would masturbate with two cocks instead of just one, so that was largely what this whole piece was.
18. Dark Influences
#18 of iron author iron author submission for shy001 on fa when mac, the three-tailed wolf is kidnapped by myotismon and piedmon they plot to turn him against his friends in order to destroy the digital world.
27. Agents in the Field
#24 of iron author iron author submission for eloncougart image source by furryrevolution (full size here) special agents puma and wolfie meet up on a cruise ship after puma's latest adventure, but the excitement
Iron Author #25: The Glorified Gluttony
#1 of iron author it's been far too long since i've posted anything blah blah blah i hope this satisfies blah blah more should be coming soon etc. etc. i've said that before. anyway, this is a non-erotic vore story.
Iron Author #23 Castration
#3 of iron author for those of you who don't like this and clicked anyway, here's a link to a buttsex story that you may find more arousing: so yeah, this story.
Iron Author #17: More
#9 of iron author for this story i wondered what i would hypnotize somebody into doing (or let someone hypnotize me into doing) and this just fell out of that.
Iron Author #21 Autofellatio
#5 of iron author i'm willing to bet that every person with a penis had tried to suck themselves, and those of us who couldn't are very jealous of the few that can or could.
Iron Author #20 Milking
#6 of iron author i love the idea of being strapped into a milking machine and having my balls drained, and i thought most people would too.
An Explosive Expansion
* * * iron author #2. interesting and different to write, but it i find the ending to be cumbersom characters belong to heroicones story by reian
Iron Author #19: Mating Bite
#7 of iron author it has been far too long since i last posted a story and hopefully i don't jinx anything by saying i hope the next one will be up in a few days!
Iron Author #2: The Perfect Morning
#24 of iron author vincent yawned and stretched his arms over to the other side of the bed, only to find that his fox had already gotten out of bed.
Valandor's Obsessions (Iron Author #13)
The massive wolf known as Valandor fell asleep right where the two wolfesses left him. While he enjoyed the bulk up that he had gained, it used a lot of energy to move around. Yet, despite being asleep, he saw growth and sex in his dreams. It was as...