POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 6 : Time Travel : Secrets Revealed :
It's a mini milk machine trust me you'll love it."
December 24 2:19 AM Zack hummed softly to the song on the radio, as he entered the canyon. Glancing for what felt like the millionth time at the brightly colored gifts on the front seat. He chuckled as he continued on the snow falling softly on the...
Beastmen and Demons - Chapter 2
Chapter 2. Noldar woke up early in the morning, as sunlight dipped in over the crest of the hole above them and caused the den to start turning brighter. He'd always been an early waker; his body set on the clock of early rising at first light for...
The Plentyn Cael Farm Christmas Fayre: Chapter 4:
**Laughing softly Nall pushed the door closed, leaning both hands on the heavy wooden frame and pinning his boyfriend against the wood. The door muffled the jolly tunes of Christmas carols playing out in the petting zoo but Nall only had eyes for the...
The best Birthday Present — Chapter 3 — A new reason to Life ( Reforged )
This time, something for those who like milking machines. or at least i hope it is to somebodies liking :). have fun reading. hospital music link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Got Milk?
"got your cock stuck in a milking machine, eh?" "i'm sorry," i say. "please, help me."
Hypnovember - Day 10: Bound
He was quiet and patient, staring at the screen, as they brought in the milking machine, sliding a heavy tube around his shaft. one of the guys played with his sac, tugged on the orbs, and commented on how full they felt.
Fallout Out and Falling In 1
As soon as they reached the milking machines on the far side of the room, he tapped a few buttons on the control device.
The Harvesting Facility
Who wouldn't like to live on a world with free milking machines, a population of excessive cummers, and even the chance at a job to do both for a living? a furry can dream, a furry can dream. fortunately for gus, he gets to live that dream.
So That's Where Milk Comes From!
Gin, a green and blue deer, fashioned a yawn, rubbing at his eyes from his sleep. A dim morning light crept in through the shutters behind his bed, glazing the room in a purple hue. He stretched his arms out in bed, rising and walking downstairs into...
Being Milked Dry
Milking The Puppy {Pt 1 Out Of ? }I Awoke On A Cold Flat Metal Table Fighting Back My Sleepiness.I Remembered Myself Feeling Like This Only Once Back When I Was A Puppy When I Had An Operation And Was....DRUGGED!!.I Tried To Get Up But I Couldn't As...
Farm Pumping
The milking machine worked steadily, and began to smoothly pull and massage along charcoal's length. the wolf hung his head low in pleasure and his toes curled again, since the pleasure made him tingle from head to toe.